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This is how to build!

Guest Omega Man

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No these are safe. The takeoff is nice and big so your whole bike is settled before it leaves the ground. The stuff you are probly thinking about are the little pidly things where the lip is too short and you get bucked cos your front wheel leaves the ground before the rear is compressed.


Oh, so that's what's happening. What's the best way to counter that. Just weight back or can you preload those sharp small ones.

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Guest Omega Man

Oh, so that's what's happening. What's the best way to counter that. Just weight back or can you preload those sharp small ones.

Build bigger jumps. Hahaha. Honestly I don't know

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Guest Omega Man

The track is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Rode it today for the first time an OMG. Big safe jumps. This is what DH trails should be like. Nothing shonky and built on a budget.

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Guest Omega Man

I would have taken photo's but we just spent the day smashing runs. What a day.

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Guest Omega Man

any final build pics??

I'll take some pics when I'm there again on Sunday. Suffice to say my views on building have changed forever. Building with wheelbarrows and spades is a complete waste of time.


A JCB can do more in an hour than a team of 10 could do in a week. The biggest challenge is communicating what we want from the driver.

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Guest Omega Man

Hoepfully I will be there on sunday, This is event day right?

No event day is next week.

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Guest Omega Man

@ Nigel. One of the lighties here wants us to build a step up like at PMB. Can you send me some pics so we can maybe make a plan around that boss?

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Guest Omega Man

The DH jump line on the right. The jumps aren't huge. About 5m long and about 1.5 m high. But it's meant to be a line to learn on. 4 of them are rideable so far. 3 more to go plus the 4 on the main line coming in to them. Lots of air miles are going to be logged.



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Guest Omega Man

PMB's Stepup

Yoh! that looks nice. please take that pic down. It makes my efforts look embarrassing. hehehe.

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