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Top SA mountain biker tests positive for EPO

Guest Lancesball

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they strip the TDF winners of titles, the literally don't have a clean rider for some of the years and everyone is "blown away" now by THIS :eek:  :eek: shock and horror , cycling before 80% of hubbers were born was known for PEDs. seriously its a question how can any of you say that you are shocked or you didn't know the sport you were getting into professionally was full of drugs???


honestly I think if you are on that level or anywhere near that level if you don't know that and you think its going to change I GOT NEWS FOR YOU,


call them a cheat, call them what you want, it has not  been proven that there was Never a "clean" period and there never will be, if you going to cry about PEDs rather don't compete, genetically there never has been a man stronger than chemicals, the day that happens PEDs might drop off, not fall away, while athletes count on beeeg pay days and contracts its safe to say you will be racing a juice head,


prostitution is the oldest trade,

prohibition never worked,

PEDs in sport will never change


does it make it right??? NO, IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS

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Would be fantastic if they tested the VETS category; two riders already caught this year......come on CSA test the VETS, I  can't wait until I'm in the 65-70 category to place?


Start saving now and you can be the most juiced oke in the oldies category.

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they strip the TDF winners of titles, the literally don't have a clean rider for some of the years and everyone is "blown away" now by THIS :eek: :eek: shock and horror , cycling before 80% of hubbers were born was known for PEDs. seriously its a question how can any of you say that you are shocked or you didn't know the sport you were getting into professionally was full of drugs???


honestly I think if you are on that level or anywhere near that level if you don't know that and you think its going to change I GOT NEWS FOR YOU,


call them a cheat, call them what you want, it has not been proven that there was ever a "clean" period and there never will be, if you going to cry about PEDs rather don't compete, genetically there never has been a man stronger than chemicals, the day that happens PEDs might drop off, not fall away, while athletes count on beeeg pay days and contracts its safe to say you will be racing a juice head,


prostitution is the oldest trade,

prohibition never worked,

PEDs in sport will never change


does it make it right??? NO, IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS

I don't think any of us are even vaguely surprised, Dips.
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they strip the TDF winners of titles, the literally don't have a clean rider for some of the years and everyone is "blown away" now by THIS :eek:  :eek: shock and horror , cycling before 80% of hubbers were born was known for PEDs. seriously its a question how can any of you say that you are shocked or you didn't know the sport you were getting into professionally was full of drugs???


honestly I think if you are on that level or anywhere near that level if you don't know that and you think its going to change I GOT NEWS FOR YOU,


call them a cheat, call them what you want, it has not  been proven that there was Never a "clean" period and there never will be, if you going to cry about PEDs rather don't compete, genetically there never has been a man stronger than chemicals, the day that happens PEDs might drop off, not fall away, while athletes count on beeeg pay days and contracts its safe to say you will be racing a juice head,


prostitution is the oldest trade,

prohibition never worked,

PEDs in sport will never change


does it make it right??? NO, IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS


are you saying Froole is a Liar?

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Dude, this is actually a "double muscled" cow, it is a natural genetic mutation.

A mate of mine did is MSc on them with the aim of trying to isolate the gene. These cows have twice the meat and half the fat of a normal cow. In theory good for meat production, but the females are so muscled (in certain female regions) that they can't give birth naturally and therefore it is hard to breed them.


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Dude, this is actually a "double muscled" cow, it is a natural genetic mutation.

A mate of mine did is MSc on them with the aim of trying to isolate the gene. These cows have twice the meat and half the fat of a normal cow. In theory good for meat production, but the females are so muscled (in certain female regions) that they can't give birth naturally and therefore it is hard to breed them.


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they strip the TDF winners of titles, the literally don't have a clean rider for some of the years and everyone is "blown away" now by THIS :eek:  :eek: shock and horror , cycling before 80% of hubbers were born was known for PEDs. seriously its a question how can any of you say that you are shocked or you didn't know the sport you were getting into professionally was full of drugs???


honestly I think if you are on that level or anywhere near that level if you don't know that and you think its going to change I GOT NEWS FOR YOU,


call them a cheat, call them what you want, it has not  been proven that there was Never a "clean" period and there never will be, if you going to cry about PEDs rather don't compete, genetically there never has been a man stronger than chemicals, the day that happens PEDs might drop off, not fall away, while athletes count on beeeg pay days and contracts its safe to say you will be racing a juice head,


prostitution is the oldest trade,

prohibition never worked,

PEDs in sport will never change


does it make it right??? NO, IT JUST IS WHAT IT IS

I agree fully. If people still think pros in almost any sport are clean then they are ignorant. Do you really think a human being can run 9sec over 100m without doping. Or that you can be as good as Phelps without doping. No you can't. Pro sports is about who dopes.its about who gets caught.

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Dude, this is actually a "double muscled" cow, it is a natural genetic mutation.

A mate of mine did is MSc on them with the aim of trying to isolate the gene. These cows have twice the meat and half the fat of a normal cow. In theory good for meat production, but the females are so muscled (in certain female regions) that they can't give birth naturally and therefore it is hard to breed them.

Wonder what would happen if you did this with humans for 10 generations. Imagine Usain bolt and Marian jones blood line!

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the way I see it, background always helps. When I done the whole gym bunny thing from std 8, training my ass off I looked around and I could point out natural, bulking, cutting, good genetics, if you want to look like the steroid freak you cant sit crying in the corner because you trying to do the hard work angle and you look like a chess team captain, you know WHY HE LOOKS LIKE THAT????




maybe from doing gym looooong years ago I have a different perspective, but in cycling every hero I looked up to used juice, if I want to get to that level surely I would be full of shitt thinking im the exception

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I have no idea how much EPO costs, but I believe it's tens of thousands of rands for a short course. 


So unless you're a millionaire it's far too expensive to stay on it and train on it like the Euro pros used to do in the LA days. I guess people on a budget have to resort to a short course on the eve of a major race to spike their haemocrit count and make their 'engine' bigger. Still, a privateer who does this before each big race in the season is going to be forking out big money in total - next question is where that money's going to come from (they're not drawing the salary of a corporate CEO, that's for sure).


The link I've got is from a guy who only seems to sell old-school anabolic steroids like injectable testosterone, etc. for gym bunnies. They are apparently relatively cheap for a recreational athlete (R1K - R3K per month depending on whether you're stacking with other compounds). But huge side effects and long term consequences for your health if you don't know exactly what you're doing.

These roids are cheap because they are mass produced and the users don't have pee in a pot before they are aloud to enter the gym. But epo and diuretics needs to be in a strain the can be hidden by current testing. EPO can now(and for a while now) be produced inside a living specimen which means that you can't test for it with a traditional tests.


The easiest way to explain it: testing for doping isn't a test that has a direct answer. Its not like asking what someone's name is... Its like going through all the names AND inventing new names to ask someone until you get it right. Now imagine how much money sponsors, sportman, tv, etc pumps into designing drugs that are new and can't be picked up by a current test so that their athletes can perform in their newest line of shoe, so that every kid on the street now wantsone. Compared to the tiny about of money that WADA has to develop these tests and drugs. Its billions that go into RND for doping

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Wonder what would happen if you did this with humans for 10 generations. Imagine Usain bolt and Marian jones blood line!


 Caster Semenya?

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