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[Event] Gravel & Grape MTB 3-day Challenge

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The routes did change.  Not in distance or area.   Every day the route manager changes.  Each route has its own manager and he changed his route purely cause of landowner problems or for upgrades to the route. 


You can use last year's event as a measure. You won't be far off.  


Slanghoek Louis

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Last night I got offered a Team Entry for the three day version (with accommodation included).

Being a adventurer at heart, I immediately accepted, not withstanding the fact that my team mate and I will be doing the J2C the week before. 

We should be "properly warmed up" for this one then.  :whistling:

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  • 3 weeks later...

So everyone ready for this one? Will be seing you guys at registration tomorrow. Come say hello if you recognize me from my pics here. Always nice to meet other hubbers.


Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk

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Finally. The time is today. Registration today and hitting the trail tomorrow morning at 8h00.We had to do some major cleanup after the storms and rebuild bridges. Glad to inform that you are in for some real mountain biking in the mountains. 


Get your technical riding cap on. Both long and lite routes are technical.  Lite version just shorter. Please note that if you are not the greatest technical rider,  please don't start in the front group. Only day 1 has a lekker long gravel road in the beginning to get your legs warmed up. Day 2 has a short gravel section before Kliphoutkloof. Day 3 has again a short section of tar called Remhoogte  before you climb into the vineyards. 


Day 1 is loonnngg and technical in the middle. 

Day 2 is loonnngg and technical all the way.

Day 3 is short and technical the first half. 


You shall enjoy your time in our valleys and mountains. 


Great to have you in the Breedekloof valley. Remember the cellars you pass by name. 

Do visit them and taste the riches. 


Thanks for visiting. 


Slanghoek Louis.

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So Louis.....where was al the pro's this year? Only 75 teams at the start?


No race vibe afterwards, food was ok, very nice route all 3 days but they were waaaaayyy out with the elevation gain.


Maybe next year again but was expecting more at the event.


My rate: 4 / 10

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Seeing that the organizers almost cancelled the race because of lack of interest, I think they made lemonade from lemons and did an okay job for the small amount of entries they had.


I also feel that there's a few wrinkles that have to be ironed out, but even big races like the EPIC or W2W have a few entrants who arent happy with everything.


I think the wind was probably also a big hinderence for many riders.All in all most people seemed happy to be there. I hope the organisers get some more interest next year and that the event will grow in numbers an quality.


Sent from my S40 using Tapatalk

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I was the route manager of day 3. 


Pro's were there.  Chris Wolhuter, Dillan Rebelo, Jurgens Uys,  Stefan Senekal,  Nicol Carstens, Charl-Pierre Esterhuizen.  


Iqela events were the race organizers. 


It was only our second event. So thanks for criticism. 




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Flip boys, ek weet darem nie.....


Ek het myself gate uit geniet - was brilliant event gewees.


Die roetes was awesome, alhoewel die eerste 20 en laaste 10 km van dag een, gevoel het soos bietjie sirkels ry in die sand. 


Dag 2 en 3 se roetes was uit die boeke gewees - asemrowend mooi, en lekker uitdagend op gedeeltes. Niks "killer" klimme nie, maar genoeg om jou 'n goeie sweet-sessie te gee.


Ja, die event het min deelnemers gehad, maar dit gee mens ook geleentheid om die trails beter te geniet met amper geen gedeeltes wat bottelnekke gehad het nie.


Ek glo die event moet / kan beter bemark word, om meer belangstelling te kweek, maar wat my betref, 'n wenresep, net so paar veranderinge wat gedoen kan word.


Dit is 'n "ander" tipe event, dit is nie jou normale stage race en slaap in tentjie op jou eie nie. Mens het geleentheid om eie akkomodasie te kies en jou naweek saam jou familie te geniet - by meeste ander events sal dit nie moontlik wees nie, tensy jy jou vrou en drie kinders saam in daai klein ABSA tentjie wil druk saam jou :-)


  • Ek het 'n wonderlike tyd gehad elke dag op die fiets, en roetes BAIE geniet.
  • Die waterpunte het ons amper nooit by gestop nie, maar ek verstaan by ander dit was van hoogstaande gehalte, en MEER as genoeg hoeveelheid, en verskeidenheid.
  • Die roetes was elke dag BAIE goed gemerk.
  • Die "timing" was akkuraat en in ooreenstemming met wat ons lesings ook was.
  • Free Bike Wash was baie handig.
  • Goeie "goodie bag", met great First Ascent baadjie (en natuurlik lekker wyntjie ook).

Ek, en van ander in ons groep, voel dit was wonderlike event - die weer het pragtig saamgewerk en ten spyte van voorspellings, was daar nie een druppel reën die heel naweek nie.


Sal verseker voorstel vir enige een wat 'n event wil doen en familie wil saambring, maar ook vir die mountainbiker wat so biejie proper mtb terrain wil ry - lekker as mens van jou fiets klim en jou arms is net so lam soos jou bene !


Goed gedoen, aan elkeen wat klaargemaak het, en hoed af aan die organiseerders.



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Ek stem saam met Morné, 'n PROPER MTB EVENT.  :clap:  :thumbup:

Ons het wel die wedren aangepak met die J2C vars in die bene, wat dit bietjie moeiliker gemaak het, maar dit het 'n man ook goed getoets.

This was the most technical route/race I have ever done. The rocky climbs and descents had you working for every meter, you could not afford to let your attention drift for a second. It also destroyed my tires, but that is part of Mtb'ing.

And then those patches of soft sand kept you on your toes.


Day one was great, only the wind influenced the difficulty factor (I got blown off the ST once or twice) and the section through that valley after WP2 was spectacular.


Day two was proper, with all those rocky climbs testing you ability to the max. The wind did not play such a major part, as it was mostly in the back on the return section.


Day three was also proper, and riding through the Cellars was special.


Relaxing the hot swimming pool afterwards was great, the accommodation top notch, the food parcels was adequate, all in all a great event.


BUT NOW I DO NOT WANT TO SEE MY MTB FOR AT LEAST A WEEK (or two)  :blush:  :ph34r:

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Manne!!! Manne!!!!


Ek kritiseer glad nie, ek gee maar net my opinie!!!


Dag 3 was die beste dag van die 3 vir my, dit ongelooflik baie geniet, nie eers praat van die soetwyn by water punte nie.


Ek stem 200% saam met Morne, dit kan net beter raak en ek hoop regtig dit doen.


Was 'n GREAT naweek though!!

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