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Bicycle Shops - repairs

American Flyers

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I don't understand why most of the bicycle shops prefer you to drop off the bicycles even for small repairs or need adjustments?  

If I ask them if they can do it quickly for 5/10mins, while I wait. They always say they are too busy or bla...bla....


I am happy to pay R20 or whatever while I wait. It is better than come back and fetch bicycle (Time & petrol wasted)


Which shop will be happy to do it while you wait???


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if everyone has the same attitude that they need to be helped now with a small niggle....the shop will never get to their work that has been booked.

AuctionLamb2008-08-08 02:30:20

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Your LBS with which you have build up a decent relationship with!WinkBig%20smileLOL.


Mine does these things for me, and I do not even buy a lot of expensive kit from them. Spend a fair bit of time there browsing and chewing the cud with the manne.

Do however buy ALL my tubes, tires, pumps, lights, etc from them.
Wannabe2008-08-08 02:30:47
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I agree with you, but sometimes they don't like it because they normally don't charge for few adjustments and they can't make money out it.

They must be honest and straight. They must charge small fee and make us happy, so that we will always come back. This will grow their business.
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I agree with you' date=' but sometimes they don't like it because they normally don't charge for few adjustments and they can't make money out it.

They must be honest and straight. They must charge small fee and make us happy, so that we will always come back. This will grow their business.


unfortunately that is how some businesses operate, I would book my bike in for the day and expect it to be completed by the due day/time given by them....I would be pi$$ed off if bike is not finished because some numb nuts wants their bikes be fixed now or pushing in!! If the shop has cater for all the guys with the small niggles they will lose their big clients who does the effort to phone and book a spot.


BUT I understand what you saying.....sometimes the shop workers can be a bit unrealistic(lazy) if it is really just a small issue that can be fixed in a min or two.


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I took my rear shock into a shop to be serviced and I told them to phone me when it's done. They said they will quickly do it while I was waiting. they were busy with other stuff. Okay, I paid real money for it, but it was while I was waiting. A few weeks after that I bought a second hand sus fork from them and they opened it infront of me to show me what it looks like inside and that all is 100%. They were busy that day aswell.

It all comes down to the shop and how good their workshop is.


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Got to admit, my LBS is not all that busy (Rustenburg has not got that many cyclist'sWink), so they don't mind fitting me in. Should I see that they ARE indeed quite busy, I do not push them to do my repair/adjustment/whatever immediately.


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I would love to learn how to fix myself, but I need special tools and some training. Time vs money.

The problem is that shops and I work similar hours. I have to rush to drop off the bicycle when the shops open and rush back before it closes. I hate rushing off!!!



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How would you like it if people continuously walked into your office all day asking you to quickly do things?

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How would you like it if people continuously walked into your office all day asking you to quickly do things?


THEY DO!Big%20smile
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Ummmm I am not sure that the question was for you but you seem to be a very patient man if you tolerate it.


But anyways if two people come at the same time how do you priorotize the "Just Quickly"
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i'm spoilt - my LBS does do this kind of thing when they can realistically do so. they have workshop staff and floor staff, but some of the floor guys know how to do mechie stuff too, so if they aren't busy they do it quick.

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Just do it! That is business! 





Nope that's NIKE.


Business must be priorotized and that is the bottom line. Do you piss of the client who is spending 10K for a job which you deem as "quick". You are self confessed to not being a bike mechanic so how do you establish the difference between "quick" and "long"?
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It's called a telephone. Phone the guys first to see if they can fit you in. Sometimes they are chock a block and other times they can make a plan.

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