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fatty in ride mag?


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haha baie funny The Kid.....


vlieg eers vanaand 8uur en sondag aand weer 8uur. dankie tog vir goeie maatjies in die kaap wat bereid is om ons daardie tyd te kom oplaai
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IF i had to pick u up u will sit till tomorrow on the airport because i am going out tonight to cellebrate my birthday that was yest.....

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amoryns: gee die Arauma ouens 'n call, dan gaan drink ons iets hierdie naweek...belowe sal nie jou boud knyp nie...

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fatty, ek kan nie drink nie...ek kap om as ek wyn ruik


The kid...nee maar baie geluk.....hoop jy het vrek lekker aand vanaand
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Aaag finally got to see the pic. It was taken during the 1500m vets race at SA Track CHamps in Durban. I was on the front for 3.1/2 laps and then everyone came past me, and Mario Nel took the sprint. It was a new SA record...

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ja ja fatty....


ek gaan nou gaan..sien julle in die kaap...onthou die pen vir handtekeninge


Well done Amoryns. That was your 1000th post on The Hub!
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