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Alberton _ JHB South Riders


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At this stage not a thing Andy.


"F" is not negotiable on his price. He wants 3.5K not neg. Doesn't zachery leave a lot for me to start putting it together, so it looks like I need to beg, borrow and steal parts to get it mobile. I need some bars and cranks for it now and I can get it mobile.


Then I can buy new stuff and replace as I go along.


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You guys can race up the steps. A very suitabe racing climb. Plus it will be close to the end of the ride so he can really test his mettle against you. It will be a route which has a bit of everything. Some flast flats and one or two gentle climbs.


Hills are all good and well but you need to do the bits in between as well.


You know those flat parts Kid?
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Kieran's Hill is not in the Reserve at all, but rather in your backyard somewhere from what I can gather! Don't worry, it is not too hard!

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Ahh, yes that mysterious one he was on about last week.

Kieran, where is this hill of yours? Sounds like we need to include it in the route. You can initiate us all.


Andy, speak to admin and have them change your login dude. Needs to be something like hill junkie. Climber boy,Monkey Man. Hooked on Hills.


I have one or two mysterious hills myself. You want me to show them to you?smiley2.gif


Nah, this ride I want to be flat and go fast. If it doesn't rain this arvie, I will be out doing some of them. Kibler park and then Lido up to the quarry.


If I can still walk tomorrow, I will be at work. Otherwise I will be in the room next to Teeny, or maybe cardiac ICU.


When did you change your sig? Now you just need a suitable login bud. SBR Junkie.

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Suggest we meet at Rietvlei. Andy, I can give you dirctions of you want.


JUst for Andy and Kieran,we can do the Kibler hill, then go down Old Vereeniging road, Wlakerville, Past SBR Karee Kloof entrance, (2 nice little leg ticklers there),up to Henley, past the circus and home up the steps. Only thing is we all have to ride back to Rietvlei afterwards.


I can make it at 5. Will need a very long nap afterwards though. 
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I will just confirm what time I have to be at my friend's place on Sat morning and let you know. But it sounds like a good ride.

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Fella's! Count me in for 5am saturday morning! (barring the end of the world, I should be able to make it!)


Why are you guys so hell bent on climbing all the time? The Fast One is flat...your gonna take all the speed out of your legs with all this climbing.


Andy, with that in mind you should change your name to "Grimpeur"....sounds suitable.

Kieran, thats Sneeuberg your referring to? Behind Checkers centre? Thats a wicked wicked climb...as is Barbara avenue on the other side of the hill!


Slave...yesterday morning was a nightmare with that bunch and the Land Rover incident. We were all over the place, but that guy should not have passed on the inside on the gravel. Followed by our following vehicle chasing him down and trying to stall him so a mob of 100+ cyclists could lynch him...not good PR for us bikeys. I'm inclined not to ride with the groups anymore, coz its only a matter of time until we p!$$ off the wrong driver.

So yes, thats what spurred my little outburst yesterday. Was hoping everyone would latch on and we could have a long line of riders instead of a bunch straddling almost 2 lanes.
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