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Ulnar nerve issues


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Ive been cycling a whole lot lately and since yesterday I could not change gears into my big chainring with my left hand


first though front derailer packing up only to realise later my left hand pinky and ring finger is completely weak.  So after some googling turns out this ulnar nerve thats trapped which happens from a lot of cycling


but now how is it fixed, should i leave it a few days and see if it gets better, or must i rush to the ICU?


did anybody have this before and how did it pan out?
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This is not something to play around with.  Where are you based - if in Pretoria, I'd like to refer you to someone great


 Send me a PM if you want
Trapper2009-10-18 13:01:29
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I've had it, but with the other nerve, the radial nerve that runs through the wrist along with the ulnar nerve.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome baby. I had it REALLY, REALLY bad. Pain like I can't describe. I called the doctor up at his private residence and told him I wanted surgery NOW, not tomorrow, NOW.


I got it from cycling too much with my wrists bent in a bad position, and from using my computer allot.


I had to go for surgery to sort it out, recovery takes a while. Took me 6 weeks for the pins and needles to go away completely, but that's because my case was severe. I recommend going to an orthropedic (?) specialist and having them assess it.


The op involves making a small, 2cm cut at the base of the hand. They then cut the ligament that runs over the carpal tunnel. That releases the tunnel and the nerves can "breathe" again without being constricted.


From the fingers that you describe, pinky and ring finger, you'll see that it's the pinky, and OUTSIDE of the ring finger. The inside (the side next to your middle finger), is controlled by the other nerve. Hence, my problem was with the thumb, fore, middle, and inside of ring finger (opposite fingers to yours).


When I was at the doctor the day of the surgery, I ran into another cycling buddy going for the same op. He said he wasn't getting pain or anything, he was coming to get the op to avoid problems later in life. Clever.


I haven't had any problems since.


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The ulnar nerve thing is common with cyclists and its actually normal. Most of us get it. I've been cycling for 10 years and I still get it, especially on training rides. As far as I know there is nothing that a doctor can do- like there isn't a pill you can take that will stop it. What you have to do is:

- wear decent gloves, preferably with gel padding,

- change your hand position on the handlebar often, thereby taking pressur eoff the back part of the palm of your hand

the ulnar nerve runs donw the centre of the palm of your hand and your hand position on the handle bar compresses this nerve, disrupting the nerve signal to your fingers which go dead. When this happens just shake your hand and feeling returns within seconds. Nothing to be alarmed about. 
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unless you are in pain see if it subsides.DOnt do anything drastic regards ops etc.REST does help.If you are a mountain biker use quality bar endes and swop positions regularly. SPECIALIZED has a good range of gloves that help relieve the pressure on that nerve.the same with their saddles thats why they have the indentations and cut outs to help the pressure on the nerve and artery that runs near the groin.hope that helps.

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What you have to do is:



- wear decent gloves, preferably with gel padding,


- change your hand position on the handlebar often, thereby taking pressur eoff the back part of the palm of your hand


i picked up hassles when i started riding my rigid ss, until my mate suggested a second layer of bar tape on the drops. got me over the corrugations of the crater cruise nicely. this, of coourse, may not work for peeps with tiny hands.


i damaged my radial nerve receently, and was told that it can take up to four months until you regain control of all your fingers. it's taken a month and a bit for me to get some movement in them.holy roller2009-10-18 21:55:55

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Get your bike setup checked.




I had the exact same problem with numbness in my pinkie and ring finger

on longer rides. It would go away an hour or so after the ride, but it

was concerning.


It turns out that the position of my shifters on the bars was too far

forward. This forced me bend my wrists downwards whenever I was resting

on the brake hoods.


I had a setup done by Arran Brown at Cyclefit and he picked up and

corrected the problem (amongst other things). I have had absolutely no

numbness since then.


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I rode my first 24 solo a looooong time ago, same thing happened to me, I was told that surgery was the only option, some good massaging, gloves and 4 months of patience and I managed to avoid the knife.

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I use the Specialized BG gloves which have a alarmingly large get pad, that IMO works realy well. You could also look at a different bar or step which could change your riding positon. Are you on Road or MTB?

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After doing the one tonner yesterday the tip of my index finger was dead.

This hasnt happened to me before and I do loads of riding.

I think I must have been clenching onto the hoods too tight or something.


A little worring though, the tip of my finger still feels funny today though.

It almost feels like I got burnt from a tyre bomb or something.


Anyone know what this is?



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The surgery isn't hectic ppl.


Highly recommended.


Instead of sukkeling with finding gloves and massaging (and like one poster, waiting 4 months), have the op done if the doctor recommends it.


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  • 7 years later...



This is not something to play around with. Where are you based - if in Pretoria, I'd like to refer you to someone great


Send me a PM if you wantTrapper2009-10-18 13:01:29


hi trapper, I need you to press refer me to the specialist. I need a radial nerve operation.. Tryon

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Hi Tyron


Just a few things.


This is a very old thread, last post other than yours was 2009.


Also posting your cell number on an open forum, not good. Scammers love using numbers from other folks.


Anyhow, closing this and also editing your cell number out. As you are a new member, rather drop the relevant person a personal message (PM).

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