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Grow a tash for Movember


Are you Going to Grow a Moustache for Movember?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you Going to Grow a Moustache for Movember?

    • Hell Yeah!
    • Not on your Life!
    • I already have a lip caterpillar
    • Females - I already have a hairy upper lip!

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I been growing my mustache for like forever so that I can look like Magnum PI. Sometimes when people talk to me I tell them about Magnum PI and they ask me who is he and then I show them my mustache and then they know. My friend Byron says he also wants a mustache like Magnum PI so he can also be cool and popular like me but he wont grow one because his sister has a bigger mustache than him. His sister makes me feel funny inside.




EigerSA2009-11-02 08:12:32

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extended nosehair in my opinion and too much maintenance. I don't even need a mirror for combing my hair, why should I keep one to trim the upper lip? Nee wat, use the energy elsewhere

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No thanks.  My lip will stay hair free.

I do the 'designer stubble' now and again (aka too lazy to shave) but thats as far as it goes!
IdeJongh2009-11-03 00:01:29
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I been growing my mustache for like forever so that I can look like Magnum PI. Sometimes when people talk to me I tell them about Magnum PI and they ask me who is he and then I show them my mustache and then they know. My friend Byron says he also wants a mustache like Magnum PI so he can also be cool and popular like me but he wont grow one because his sister has a bigger mustache than him. His sister makes me feel funny inside.







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It's for a good cause, and if you've been affected by cancer, you'll want to get involved.

A bunch of us at work are doing it as well.

I'll post the pics of our progress as we go...
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Sorry..can't help you guys out here.


Do we dig it? mmmmm, only a talented few can wear a tash in style. But I like it.
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Do we dig it? mmmmm' date=' only a talented few can wear a tash in style. But I like it.


Chicks dig Magnum PI.


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extended nosehair in my opinion and too much maintenance. I don't even need a mirror for combing my hair' date=' why should I keep one to trim the upper lip? Nee wat, use the energy elsewhere [/quote']


Go the lazy route: Cut and paste.




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Magnum PI is so like yesterday.


The chicks are hot for Brad Spit nowadays and he doesn't have a hairy lip.


Nother thing, you okes ar egonna look helluva funny with hairly lips and hairless legs.


BWaaaaaahahahahahahahahah. LOL
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I'm not able to grow such a smooth one otherwise I would def have!


All for the spirit of Movember!


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My friend Seth sez I look more like Burt than Mr Magnum. Seth is stoopid and drools a lot. Tomorrow I'll ask my girlfriend Delilah what she thinks cause she meets loads of men everyday. She works only nights and sleeps a lot during the day so I don't spend lots of time with her. She is a professinal and makes men happy. I'm still quite young, only 23 and I will finish school maybe this year. Mum says I'm such a catch and any girl would want me. I will post a picture of myself here soon cause I think Dirt*Girl sounds right for me. Burt is handsome, he makes me feel funny.






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