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Any bets


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On how long the Gautrain will last before being burned, stoned or stolen?


What is it with people who think that they can fix something by breaking more stuff?

Val plat!?, toe re?n klippe neer


2010-02-17 00:27





Fanie van Rooyen








luukse Business Express-trein tussen Pretoria en Johannesburg is

eergisteroggend met klippe bestook tydens ?n kragonderbreking omdat

gewone treinpendelaars geglo het die trein kry voorkeurbehandeling.



vensters van die luukse trein wat op beroepsmense gemik is, is naby die

Kempton Park-stasie stukkend gegooi, maar niemand is blykbaar in die

voorval beseer nie, het mnr. Sibusiso Ngomane, woordvoerder van

Metrorail, gister ges?.


Pendelaars het die luukse trein

met klippe gegooi omdat hulle klaarblyklik geglo het dit het voorkeur

gekry omdat dit n? ?n kragonderbreking van sowat ?n halfuur begin

wegtrek het terwyl die gewone Metrorail-treine steeds stilgestaan het.............................


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Ek kan kommentaar lewer, maar netnou word ek dalk toegesluit vir "promoting hate conduct in the republic"soos die een po?pol van die anc dit noem...

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Mark my words, on the first actual day you get to use the Gautrain...you'll find some guy trying to sell you Sim cards/chargers/sunglasses through the window while your stopped on the tracks underground somewhere.


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Mark my words' date=' on the first actual day you get to use the Gautrain...you'll find some guy trying to sell you Sim cards/chargers/sunglasses through the window while your stopped on the tracks underground somewhere.






greyowl?why version 3.0?
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It will be great if bikes could go on the train. The trip from Rosebank to Groenkloof will be great.


especially if they sell beer on the train.
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I already took that bet with some of my guys at work. They are saying it will be late - get burned - then it wont be late because it will be a crisp and useless - then everyone will whine they have no transport. I say it will be burned by a 'third force' intent on doing whatever that 'third force' is supposed to do which is unknown to me or anyone else really but nonetheless......

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