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Your Argus Cycle Tour 2010 unofficial time?


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I squeezed every bit of my stamina towards a 3h15.








My Polar shows 3:41!




Damn, that Cape Doctor is a crazy one.

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I agree, my goal was the elusive sub 3 but unluckily only did about 3:30. I don't think many people went under 3 today. Anyone know what the winning time was for the leaders in E group?

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show off!




thats hectic tho.. 2 yrs ago invitational rode 2h20




so the wind added 26mins to the pros. never mind the plebs




its about a 15.6% time increase... make of it what u will

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Guest colonel

No show off dude it was asked. 2yrs ago I dont think they did Boyes drive? Last year was the 1st time if am correct and it takes longer to do Boyes drive than the main road.

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hmmm also true...




i wonder how long to do the boyes drive route on a non windy day?




congrats tho... seriously impressed

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This Colonel guy is one of the few people here that can ride. Sani last weekend, 2:46 today. Well done.

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on SABC they said the invitational group climbed suikerbossie at 38km/h. is that even possible?

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4:40 - I had a good ride from QQ, wind wasnt that hectic c.f. last year and I could keep my pace up the hills (about 60 cadence, below that its slow mo sukkle mode) didnt find any bunches to ride with from Smitswinkel it seems everyone was on their own mission from that point on.?

Stunning ride, I am very happy. Its a real priviledge to be able to do it. Thanks to all.

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5 hoursEmbarrassed Broke my Front DR cable on hospital ben and rode to blue route water point in large cog. Guy helped me there but wasted 45 minutes fixing it, so time was shot so mellowed my ride and helped ppl along the way. Fixed 1 broken chain and 3 punctures. Ride time on Garmin was about 4:10.

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I had exactly the same sub3 goal (before I saw the wind forecast) and result of 3:30 also in E. It seems the weather plays a huge role not to mention chain coming off twice. Lets hope we don't get three windy Arguses in a row!

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I dropped my chain at the base of Wynberg hill and as a result lost 40s off the front group, never managed to catch them but i think i overexerted myself completely by trying to. Can't wait to take a look at the results.

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on SABC they said the invitational group climbed suikerbossie at 38km/h. is that even possible?




ask colonel... he'll know

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