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Giant trance come with a shock Pump?


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Hi Guys/Gals


I just bought myself a Giant Trance and I was told buy one of my mates that I should have recived a shock pump which I did not get.


Has anyone else bought a Giant and recived a pump?


Should I be getting anything else as I just got the bike with no manuals or anthing?





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i find some bike shops hold onto the pumps/manuals etc, go and ask them to give it to you!

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Well I went into my LBS and asked them where my pump and mauals were and they told me that only the trance X1 and X0 come with a pump.


Is this infact the truth or are the taking the piss out of me ?

Does anyone have the contack details for the Giant inporters so that I can phone the and find out?


Thanks Juan


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