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I ate dust...


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Dunno if there's already a thread like this (searched and couldn't find anything)... post your "I ate dust" photos...


I'll kick us off then - yesterday, Grabouw, rocky descent, too much speed, big rock meets front wheel and over I go...


post-12904-058039700 1278926836.jpg

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Oak Valley - Stupid fall coming down the third section of black route (just before that lung-busting climb) - Photo was taken about a week after the fall...

post-5386-085044900 1278927125.jpg

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Dunno if there's already a thread like this (searched and couldn't find anything)... post your "I ate dust" photos...


I'll kick us off then - yesterday, Grabouw, rocky descent, too much speed, big rock meets front wheel and over I go...




Pffffff Lance crashed much harder :P


Seriously though - crashing sucks - especially the "everything hurts the day after" factor...


Wounds heal - chicks dig scars - keep uo the good work!

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pfft! the airbags are PERMANENTLY deployed :lol:


in addition to the roasties, my left shoulder hurt like a mofo last night. I also just bought myself a new helmet - Fox Flux - it was the first ride with the helmet, as I came off i just thought "please, not the helmet" :D

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pfft! the airbags are PERMANENTLY deployed :lol:


in addition to the roasties, my left shoulder hurt like a mofo last night. I also just bought myself a new helmet - Fox Flux - it was the first ride with the helmet, as I came off i just thought "please, not the helmet" :D

Fox Flux sake not the helmet!!!!

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Dunno if there's already a thread like this (searched and couldn't find anything)... post your "I ate dust" photos...


I'll kick us off then - yesterday, Grabouw, rocky descent, too much speed, big rock meets front wheel and over I go...



Shooo... you really are in the wars... first you crash..,, then you had an alergic reation to something you ate!!! you all swollen up!!!! :D

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Shooo... you really are in the wars... first you crash..,, then you had an alergic reation to something you ate!!! you all swollen up!!!! :D


:ph34r: funny guy, i keeel you last :D

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You guys are gay.. im sitting here with 3 broken ribs, cant breath, sneaze or cycle!! I wish i had a couple of scratches.

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You guys are gay.. im sitting here with 3 broken ribs, cant breath, sneaze or cycle!! I wish i had a couple of scratches.


at least you still have masta bation

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here is mine.....


Cracked my funny bone in a crash at The Sabie classic.....



Wonder why it's called a funny bone as it's not funny when you hit it.Hope that heals fast.

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mtbking81, now you can't tell any more jokes?



I still have the other side....

But my jokes are only gonna be 75% as funny as it was before, it was only cracked and not Broken..... hehehehe


Ok thats not funny is it?

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