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Everything posted by BBN

  1. Any of you 26er guys want a good nic Geax Suguaro TNT, found one in the garage, before I dump it on the hub?
  2. So was it three punctures a head on collision and a hail storm, not bad for an easy Wed evening ride.
  3. Sorry about the probs with my puncture guys, not a good scout...'always be prepared'!! Managed to get home and fit a new tyre and ride backup to the Beyers junction by 6.30, just in time for the rain! Waited a bit but must have just missed you so headed back up through Emmerentia, in case you guys were waiting it out under a tree, and then on home. Big thanks to Greg(Goose) who waited with me at the canoe club. Looks like you had more fun and games, rain, punchas, etc. Was PO I missed the night section to try out my new light.
  4. One person missing in the........ 'group'.........pic!!! whaaaaa!!!!
  5. If anyone else pitches we will be at the bridge by Pick n' Pay by 4.45, if not I am heading south to Alberts.
  6. So, who's going to be at Fratellis at 16h15 today, Monday 26th?
  7. Simon, you should have joined us yesterday.
  8. 4.15 at Fratellis is good for me then we can maybe meet the Paulshoff guys at M&B or 12th Ave by 5.30. We can either go up the power lines to Republic or over the river crossing by William Nichol to P&Pay, then along the Spruit to Riverside shops and on to 12th Ave and wait there or head up the road and over the N1 to Paulshoff M&B?
  9. I know that section pretty well, ride it about once a week, but am happy to go with the flow.
  10. Agreed, if we leave after 4.15 we will need to push it to catch the guys at Paulshoff by 5.30!
  11. I hope not...........but for R650 you never know!!! If its a good one I'll be buying too........two!!
  12. Wow, that is cheap! How long will the 2xAA batteries last!!!!! Hope it arrives, never like gmail addresses!
  13. I can go from about 4ish, if they are leaving Paulshoff at 5.30 we will make it easy.
  14. Would like to know what you got too and maybe what the damage was and where from?
  15. Available most days if you want to go from this end, Fratelli's to 12th Ave/N1 and back?
  16. Thanks guys for a fun night ride, my first, and thanks to Slick for the light. It's so much more fun when you guys actually turn up!! Will be 'light' shopping along with Smolster. Oh, and thanks again for the free pizza and beer, ha, ha!!
  17. Delta Park Forecast 15.25- Overcast, light rain has passed, clear towards Emmarentia, brightening!
  18. Delta Park Forecast- Overcast, light rain, clear towards Emmarentia
  19. Ho, ho, I can see I won't get away from that one! Work from home by Delta Park.
  20. On the Spruit......rain has gone already!!
  21. Googled you all, so no getting away today!!
  22. Don't worry guys, met lots of OTHER people..........asking me if I was ok!
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