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Everything posted by Caerus

  1. Someones going to need some soap on a rope
  2. Get a differant car - problem solved
  3. With the possible tracking device - How big would the thing be, where would it go on the bike, it would need to be well fixed so cannot be removed(there would be few places that u could hide it), and of course what about battery life? Sooner or later these twats will realise that bikes have these, same as they have realised how much they are worth now
  4. It should be same as cars now what with the price of bikes and the amount of bikes that are getting stole - The bikes come with logbooks of somesorts and can only be sold with it. We have to stop this somehow?
  5. Well that makes it two weeks being a non smoker, everything is comin together now, sleeping better, training is way easier and climbing hills is a breeze(almost.) My riding has drastically improved for definate and I've got extra cash in the pocket - Life is good
  6. Change of plans now, Im going surfing tomorrow morning(surfs huge and cooking) then riding in the afternoon - They joys of living at the coast - Then maybe the mountains on Sunday
  7. I know its a bit of a outlay, but I bought a year pass at giba for R800 - almost paid for itself with 2 months :)Its does get very expensive. Does Holla not do this?
  8. So Johan, Which are the ones to get - They seem very reliable
  9. I can see that , but Durbs in a big place. Is Holla your local riding spot?
  10. Damn if it was Sunday I would join you
  11. Definatly, Tell them to "harden the f&%k up" . In the words of Chopper Reid. Youre mtbing youre supposed get wet - all part of the fun
  12. Definatly, as long as its light I will ride - Giba on Sat then Im thinking Holla on Sunday
  13. Where u riding in Durban tomorrow?
  14. So in your professional opinion which hubs are the ones to go for. From reading all the replys and also from my own experiance of the Dt Swiss 240s hubs they seem to have little maintanence and run well for ages without the need for a service. Im just curious as I need new hubs for my hardtail?
  15. Dont think price always reflects how good something is They are pretty good as far as I know. But then again I could be proven wrong I have them on my bike, and in a year or riding 2- 4 times a week, not even needed a service
  16. I guess she ate all the pies then. You should have helped keep her slim
  17. There are definatly loads of fatties about in SA - They eat too much fast food(fried chicken) and there is way way to much meat in out diets
  18. Find the forom I started as well - lots of info on there
  19. Ok cool, that sound good. Now to explain to the wife she wont be getting her new bike - Doh.
  20. So u are "allowed" to pull out of a sale at any time - leaving the seller with egg on his face
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