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Everything posted by Caerus

  1. It shouldnt matter what you ride, as long as you ride it properly.
  2. Is that R12 500 or meant to read R1250? Ok stupid question it must be the groupset. Well CWC are doing them for R11 500 - So I guess its not a good price
  3. We have all that and more already - We use my bosses wifes bike sometimes - Just need a helmet - Ive also got so much stuff lying about. She will definatly choose what she wants at the end of the day. Just want to know what options I can give her
  4. Yeah sounds good, what price you looking at? Any pics please
  5. Is this the only place that does 2nd hand bikes for sale throught a shop or website - Im sure Ive seen something else?
  6. Has anyone tried either of these websites yet?
  7. Are you applying sun tan lotion too your arse?
  8. I've definatly noticed an improvment all round - Ive just gone the willpower route, so far so good. All cravings have gone now. Went out to a pub(I dont drink) on Sat night and was fine. I did go through a bit of hell the first three days. I believe totally it is up to the individual as too when they can stop, no amount of anti smoking bombardment was going to do it. I just decieded enough was enough and quit( although that took a while to get to)
  9. Im also up to buying a decent 2nd bike - but small framed bikes are hard to come by it seems
  10. That would just be stupid - Let her get more confident and become a better rider first - Before we start spending a lot
  11. Thanks for the mail, the wife was stoked for the encouragement. We have kinda set her a budget but that can also be breoken a bit for the right bike but I think R7000 would be the utmost limit - and then no food for a couple weeks, lol. The cleats Ive told her already she must wait to get more confident and then she can have my old pedals(ive just upgraded) - She will be getting lots of bits and pieces from me as well
  12. Kinda near these or just abouts, the Giant was R7500, decent bike with good components. So that would be pushing it price wise, Gt avanlanche was R4500 or so. The Merida matt tfs 100 was R4995, the guy at the bike shop said the Juliet was around the same price but was getting back to me tomorrow. The Scott(2011)model, not sure which one though was gonna be R5995. The Silverback Saturn also has good reviews(R4500), I also saw a Specialised which was pretty good for under 5k.
  13. I'll be testing both of these sites very soon - Looking for another bike for the wife, just need to decide what bike to get her
  14. Very weird - Something fishy going on you think?
  15. She wants to ride with my mates wives/girlfriends so not too worried about that. Hey you never know, she could end up fitter & ride better then me She knows Im not expected to ride all the time with her. Im just stoked she is getting amped to ride more She is already damn fit as it is.
  16. Hi all, Im sure there might be a few other other threads like this, but I need some help please. The wife is keen on a bike now. What should I be spend? I dont want to but something now and have to upgrade too quickly(she is very competitive) I was hoping to get a hardtail to start offwith - Possibly spend about R5000(max R6000)also need to get a helmet. Is that amount pretty reasonable to get something decent with? Ive looked at a Merida matt tfs 100 also possibly the Merida Juliet tfs 100, Giant Terrago, Gt Avalanche 3.0 so far. Ive been told the new Scott 2011 bikes are gonna be good too, great specs etc. Ive read some good reviews on the Silverback bikes as well. Any other bikes that guys/girls would recommend? So hence all the confusion . Many Thanks
  17. Nice one, well Done. Its been 10 days of Non - smoking for me Had two great rides this weekend. What was your secret, I just got to the point when it was time, I tried the other methods as well. Just had to bite the bullit and its all good now.
  18. Ive now come across this site today while doing some research on a bike for the wife. Seems exactly the same idea Seems all the LBS got a hot poker up their backsides? Who is behind this one now? Whats going on http://www.sa-bicycle.co.za/index.html
  19. Same as the crickets, a lot of fat bastards in the team - How is this possible? They are supposed to be elite sportsmen(earning a fortune no doubt) and they cant even stay trim(Benni McArtney rings a bell)
  20. Hi all, Im sure there might be a few other other threads like this, but I need some help please. The wife is keen on a bike now. What should I be spend? I dont want to but something now and have to upgrade too quickly(she is very competitive) I was hoping to get a hardtail to start offwith - Possibly spend about R5000(max R6000)also need to get a helmet. Is that amount pretty reasonable to get something decent with? Ive looked at a Merida matt tfs 100 also possibly the Merida Juliet tfs 100, Giant Terrago, Gt Avalanche 3.0 so far. Ive been told the new Scott 2011 bikes are gonna be good too, great specs etc. Ive read some good reviews on the Silverback bikes as well. Any other bikes that guys/girls would recommend? So hence all the confusion . Many Thanks
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