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Everything posted by Caerus

  1. Excuse the rants, but I need to vent some frustration about my local bike store. First Rant: Arrogance and attitude will not give you my hard earned cash. Im sorry but because I ask too questions does not mean you can have an attitude with me, then show complete arrogance when I question your answers casue they dont make much sense too me - Thats the last time I spend any money there, ever. So much so I have three diiferant people all being the same, right from the most junior sales person right through to the owner. Talk about apple not falling far from the tree. Second Rant: Older models vs Newer models - Surely the price of the older model should come down if the 2011 model comes out better specked then the first. Then when I question why Im told a load of bollocks about the bikes already being paid for etc etc, blah blah blah. We all know there is an already massive mark-up on that bike, so for you not to even offer a small discount, blows my mind . The newer models are way better specked and are 27 speed as opposed to 24 speed. Yet I must pay the same price??? (Your'e off your head mate) Spouting rubbish about a lower end market blah blah blah. Then I would have gone to Game for that kind of bike. Third Rant: I was told by this stores expert sales people that they are phasing out 24 speed components about a month ago, just so they could get me too upgrade my bike to 27 speed through them(like that would ever happen, even before today, what with your already over the top prices) Then this i when I get an arrogant owner wonder over, butt right in, and tell me in no uncertain terms will the older models come down in price, and that there will always be a market for 24 speed bikes . Then just wonder off again, when I start to ask questions he didnt like. So am I being over the top? I dont think so, Im a consumer that was ready to do business with you then you show me so much contempt, that the only future dealings you will have with me will be from my doctor removing my shoe out your arse. So any advice will be greatly appreciated on how to deal with this I will name and shame on the opinions I recieve If its deemed nescessary
  2. What does a buyer for cash Convertors do? Isn't it a pawn shop, thus people bring you goods - Or did you just access the goods to see if they should be bought? So,if cash convertors bought the goods, they should have the thiefs details to pass onto the police? If not there is something dodgy going on!
  3. I would say enough to make a differance, yet we as a community will never make a united stand(Its one thing I really admire about local Aficans, they now how to band together)
  4. Ive found South Africans to have become the most "class" and materialistic obsessed nation in the world
  5. I think we need to toyi toyi
  6. South African consumers are from my experiance of world travels the worst. We all moan but dont do anything about it. We just complain ,sit back and take it up the arse. Instead of actually doing anything . My Local Bike store(I now mostly support CWC & CRC anyway) will not get 1c out of me, (not even a valvecap.) We all know what the prices should be, yet still we get taken for a ride(no pun intended). Even after the whole price fixing scandal we still pay the ridiculously inflated prices
  7. I would have to agree, they are ridiculous for what it actually is.When u compare it too a car & motorbike, also the depreciation value is also mental. Why is it, even to service a bicycle costs more then my car(and thats my parts included)
  8. I love that song, reminds me of my time in Londres,
  9. I got about halfway, thinking whats this about, Did it make any sense?
  10. So true - maybe we meet half way, somewhere with clean air. Another reason not to live in Joburg -Gosh I would have been smoking more like 40 a day then. Dont know how people cope with it
  11. We all know you dont run, more like run skip run skip
  12. My thoughts exactly - What person takes the time to join a site then post soemthing like that - SPAMMER
  13. We will also only come if you teach us too run like yourself?
  14. What the hells this about - Very Random
  15. I'll just come straight to Joburg(on a plane or by car) - Give you some motivation as well.
  16. Covie - stop the smoking now? Then ride to Joburg to hook up with Dingle Dangle and then ride with them for a week then ride back to Cape Town, you will have stopped the smoking and not put weight on
  17. Not sure really, I dont just cycle though. I also do cross training - Mix up your exercise program a bit - It will always help to change from your normal routine. Do some running and light weights as well, maybe some aerobics classes if u go to the gym
  18. Nice work there chris, I see you havent smoked and lost 4 kgs - Im three weeks tomorrow and Ive lost 3kgs - Down to 81kg now
  19. Ok now thats some research, you even made a table up. Good going Depends what kind of riding you plan to do and how often you want ride? Be weary of bikes sold on Gumtree, just my 2c but they could more then likely have been stolen(is used) there are lots of decent bikes around in your price range
  20. One last thing before I go, lets rather use this thread for positive things and the encouragement of those that have stopped smoking or any bad habit for that matter. Lets make it a celebration rather then a beratement
  21. For sure - there will always be guys that will do a dodgy deal for a quick buck, its a total genralisation here but I dont think Pawn shops owners have been the straightest of business owners. Then again he could have known it was stolen or at least suspected it was, which then makes him an accsesory to the theft???
  22. Sorry for the pressure, by I now believe its my civic duty to hound you. No hard feelings.
  23. Covie you must stop - Do it, just do it. Do it man, doooooo iiiiiit. You know you want too?
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