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Herman V

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Posts posted by Herman V

  1. My sympathies to the riders and their families.

    I admit that being hit by a car is my biggest fear as well.

    But, do remember that cyclist are just road users. Nothing more special than pedestrians, drivers or motorcyclists.

    Maybe if cyclists stop thinking that they are a special kind of road user, we will realise that a good many pedestrians, motorcyclists and drivers die on the roads every year.

    Traffic rules should be enforced and guilty parties punished. Period. No exception and no special treatment.


  2. Some friends and I are planning a trip to Bela-Bela on mountain bikes. 

    Cycle there, spend the weekend and then (maybe) back again. We are thinking of taking the R101. Not very far, but:

    Anybody done this before?

    Is it save to cycle on that road?

    Any suggestions to make this ride safe?

    Any alternitive route suggestions?

    I am very new to cycling and would like your comments.


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