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  1. SO MUCH OF NNNNIIIIICCCCCEEEEE!!!!!! I have an up to date bike, and a 20 year old SS hardtail, and while i am undoubtedly faster on the new bike, the fun and stoke level is the same. My riding mates usually start laughing when I pull out the SS, because they know we'll be going slower, but hit all the fun lines while talking a lot of crap.
  2. IF i dont gym, I feel 40. When i do, I feel 24. heeltyd honger. heeltyd moeg. heeltyd jags. I will be taking Jan and some of Feb to sort out my calf injury and working with a bio to strengthen and fix what I need. And then ramp up mileage for MUT. Might give Bay2Bay a skip if the calf isn't lekker. I amcontemplating going with a coach, only for the reason that I'm not disciplined enough to hold myself accountable, but shnorre enough to wring every cent out of a coached plan if I paid for it...
  3. Alan Hatherly to Giant Factory Off Road. But also on Green Edge for road? https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEVKfCXPP4Q/?igsh=cjVicmZ0YXJ2dDV6 Full team https://www.instagram.com/p/DEVM2t-ohPd/?img_index=4&igsh=Z2ZnMnlxMWIybW8w
  4. The ideal bike for bike packing is the one you have. I can confirm that my carbon hardtail was effective for bike packing.
  5. Must be an Isuzu driver, not having a back-up Camera. As a Ranger driver, I do not deny using the reverse camera. All the time. Makes hooking up trailers daily a breeze when going solo. Side note, I took off the canopy last week to load a flow bin, and now that canopy will be parked in my warehouse until winter. No blind spots, easy loading of stuff, chuck a blanket over the back and shuttle. So much room for activities.
  6. I got my T25 screwdriver to work on disc rotors. But in the meantime Scott has adopted it and it’s used on a lot of bolts on my Genius. Convenient. Torx can supposedly handle more torque before rounding, but I’ve found that quality bits is key.
  7. I love Wera. These are 👌🏻 if you don’t have one yet, you NEED this in a t25 as well.
  8. Connections and results to get you noticed. The pool of sponsorship spend is very small, and the split for ladies is tiny. You either need to know the right people, or beat the right people. So go race, race hard, prepare a sponsorship CV and start introducing yourself to the right people.
  9. I should rephrase that. not Lourensford the farm. The Clay Pigeon/MTBing on Lourensford at $$$$$ crowd is what’s wrong with mountain biking. It’s the school kids on S-Works, the C-Suite doing Epic. The illusion that MTB needs to be expensive to be fun. Maybe I’m just disillusioned by how crap the riding vibe has become, or maybe I’ve just become an acerbic old man who wants these kids to get off my lawn. Nevertheless, I’ll go back to riding my singlespeed around the corner from Lourensford, and enjoy the little oasis of trail running on the other side of the same mountain where a year permit is R200 and trails are built and maintained by volunteers.
  10. Lourensford is pretty much mostly everything that’s wrong with MTB right now. fortunately, we can still enjoy riding wether they are operating or not.
  11. Running is like an STD, if you are not careful you will pick it up.
  12. my bakkie was built in Pretoria. QC issues have now nearly cost it a second engine. hopefully for you the bike QC guys are better.
  13. Chris, how are your knees holding up to walking? I hope it’s painless? Blouklip trail run (21) for 9nov, and George MUT (45) end May again. I pulled a calf muscle and have been riding instead of running for two weeks. I have to be honest, mountainbiking is still my first outdoor love.
  14. https://www.news24.com/sport/rugby/springboks/springbok-world-cup-winner-nkosi-handed-3-year-doping-ban-20240909
  15. Has anyone used airless paint sprayers? I have a medium sized compressor, but I can buy an airless gun for the price of a water trap and spray nozzle. I want to respray a bunch of cupboards, a few photo frames, and whatever my wife can think of on the meantime.
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