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Everything posted by Reden

  1. Idea for a long route. Start in the Cape, past PE and East Londen up to Durbs. Then turn inland. This could be the start of the mountain stages up to JHB. I recon the main problem would be to get decent mountain stages. Long Tom pass, Robbers pass and thge likes comes to mind. Maybe include some parts of Lesotho. In at Fouriesburg up to Katse dam. One serious climb up and then down the other side. One could do it in reverse the next day or just after a rest day. In that area there's no circle route. Maybe lower down. Another route option. Start in JHB, enter Lesotho at Fouriesburg up to Katse dam, turn around and down & out at Maseru. Then do a bit of Free State, EC and finish in the Cape somewhere. Could also include George if done from the Cape. This would then include the pass going inland to Oudthoorn. Some decent flat stages, undulating ones and nice mountains with good scenery all round. Could well match the TDF or at least better the Tour Down Under.
  2. I would also do the same. I use Magura Louise for a couple of years now. (2007 Louise) Very light and reliable. At the moment spares might be a problem as there's no agent in SA at the moment. Nothing wrong with them but be carefull there are different models and the black one is quite heavy. Don't know the year model but had both in my hands at Solomons in PTA North. I would say the 2007 model was their best. Hayes, Avid Juicy's (higher than 7's), Formula and Magura (if available) are all good.
  3. When to test Lactate Threshold? Now when fitness is not high or later when quite fitter? Started again recently after some time off the bike and busy with some base miles.
  4. Loctite has a thread repairing compound. Dont know how exactly it works but might be worth a try. Try and contact the Loctite supplier them self or Google it on the web.
  5. Or ride Suikerbosrand South of JHB twice. Just be carefull of oncomming traffic.
  6. Start at Dullstroom go over long Tom pass to Sabie. Stay over at Merry Pebbles in Sabie. Next day, start at Sabie ride to Pelgrimsrus, over Robbers pass, turn around and back to Sabie. All decent rides with decent climbs.
  7. He gave up and his mind was not in it.
  8. I use a F100 RLT. Never had problems. On the other hand But both would be equally good. Go for the cheaper one.
  9. My sig on a 4x4 forum. Last line added today. Thanks Wannabe! For Adam. Rest in Peace kid. To Motorists: Save a Cyclist, stay out of the Yellow Lane
  10. Most amusing signature ever seen. Never wrestle a pig. You'll get full of mud and the pig likes it.
  11. Didn't Ulrich use Campag?
  12. Best signature I've seen in along time. I'm subscribed to a 4x4 forum and there's people that think it's safe to drive in the yellow lane.(and legal too)
  13. Am I missing something here? The Col du Tourmalet was ridden on the 20th. Today it's Col de Marie-Blanque, Col du Soulor and the finnish on Bareges. At least according to Bicycling's TDF guide booklet.
  14. Are these compression pants worth while or are they just a fashion that will pass.
  15. It's next to the sea. Can't you sea it!!! You should be banned for life for posting these pics.
  16. mmm, Flu? Still congested? Is your whole body also sore? A lot of people confuses a common cold with flu. The difference could only be a couple of days quicker recovery. If congested only, one could ride very lightly for short periods. If throat is sore, body aching abd very congested, dont even look at your bike. You will literally kill yourself. Not now but possible in 10 to 15 years time. Your heart is working very hard in keeping your body going. To excersise in this condition could cause heart failure and kill you. Bottom line. Don't do anything untill you feel 100% healed.
  17. Don't the referee somtimes turn a blind eye to something. Like drafting behind a car after some problem or a spectator pushing a rider (after a problem). Seems that there's lots of people here ot getting it.
  18. It's a TDF thing. Either you get it or you don't. Got nothing to do with MTB'ing or cycling anywhere else.
  19. Starting to ride after some three years off the bike. How much base miles must one do before getting into interval/high intensity training? Also training for the 94.7 both MTB and road events. The year before I stopepd I rode both. Can't remember the MTB time but road was 3h20. This time the MTB will be taken slower as I cramped a lot with the road race.
  20. At 40 years old my MHR was 193bpm and that was seen going up Kyalami's mine shaft. Upper body didn't go numb but breathing could not go faster and the pain was too much.
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