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  1. Have a look on FitTrack.co.za, training plans specific for multi stage racing.
  2. I've got both the 808x and 870 (got both from CycleLab's online shop). Did a quick comparison last night. The 870 on full brightness (has 4 levels) is definitely brighter than the 808. It is also easier to adjust brightness with an up or down option. No more strobe option, which seemed silly anyway. The lighting is also better distributed. The 808 has a defined focal point, whereas the 870 is much more consistent in "spreading" the light. I assume this is due to it having multiple LED's. Not sure about battery life. Will be testing it out tonight. Apparently battery life is the same. Btw, it is the same battery for both. Both are excellent lights, with the 870 just being the next step up.
  3. So what is the plan for tonight? Distance, duration? Is it always one group or does it split into a "faster" and more "social" group?
  4. Why not setup a fan page rather?
  5. Who told you manufacturers don't make 58cm? Cervelo does. Think they even make a 60/61cm. Your height is only one element to take into account. Reach is quite important. Check www.slowtwitch.com. There are some great articles and tools to find the right TT bike size.
  6. How do you tell the difference between 808E and 808X?
  7. We'll be joining you nutters this week. What time do you finish (the ride)? Anyone know the route for the Mild2Wild? Training file/map would be great.
  8. What has the cost of your bike got to do with Freerk's furniture? His dislike of cyclists could have something to do with this type of attitude and having to scrub grease of his furniture.
  9. There is also now the option to create a challenge and invite training buddies to it. Maybe create one for the hub and post its name here so others can join!
  10. Cannot find it under events or photos. Maybe post a valid link to the site.
  11. Great to hear you finding it useful. Remember, we have full backup/support. So if you have any questions, don't hesitate to send us your query. We've also just launched plans for Subaru Sani2C, Two Oceans Ultra/Half and Comrades. Should have a host more event specific plans up soon.
  12. Riding with vets is the best thing for elite ladies. Get them stronger for international comps. @darkhorse, dono where you were in 2010, but I can count 15+ that made the podium in the last 12 months.
  13. If you have to guesstimate a max hr, there is another formula... MaxHR = 208 - Age * 0.7
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