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Everything posted by WesselvdWalt

  1. Haha.. it's a race you should pedal I was there for a while and saw many people who rode it.
  2. This afternoon This afternoon, but you're either in A or B
  3. Hakahana Route Maps & profiles are now online
  4. Tell your friends to come! Unfortunately with ROAG you must use all their services or nothing... Only with your support can this event become a success! Invite friends to the FB event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/772527956120983
  5. mmm...Currently as it stands..... WE HAVE BEER!
  6. Yes Vodacom hill (now MTN strangely enough) is a classic part of the event. We'll obviously clear and make the route as good as possible. (in 2012 the guys did it twice!) Vodacom hill is steep in places, and is the steepest of the climbs. The "Lions back" (only Ultras rode this in 2012) is not as steep and climbs gradually and is jeep track, but there's alot of marbles on this climb which makes it tricky and draining... ( we will open up a single line and clear alot of the loose rocky stuff up) The view here is so worth it! But watch out the downhill gets steeper and steeper with switch backs and will be your last obstacle on the way home. (this will also be clean up for the riders) "The Lion" (70km route) will be an absolute adventure, and you'll see the best trails in Mabalingwe and be rewarded after each uphill, but it's 3 x harder than the 40km. Be warned it's real mountain biking not just a ride in the bush. Once finished you'll feel like you have conquered "the Lion" and you'll be a Lionman! "The Lioness" (40km) will be in the lower half of the property, it has over 10km of single track and has mostly drags and no "mal" climbs. Drags up, singletrack flowy stuff down, very enjoyable for everyone.
  7. Distances and climbing is as follows: 10km - 9.7km - 140m Ascent 20km - 19.0km - 230m Ascent 40km - 36.7km - 660m Ascent 70km - 65.0km - 1300m Ascent Profile go live soon!
  8. Proposed routes have been done. Recce will commence next week. Distance are: 70km - 1600m ascent 40km - 600m ascent 20km 10km The 70km will do Vodacom hill, and return on a mountain we call the Lions Back. Once routes are approved, we'll go live with profiles etc.
  9. Routes are finalised. Booklet design commences. Profiles to be added online this week. Got some interesting surprises for you fro 2014....
  10. The interactive maps are now online on the event page (aswell as the event digital booklet: http://www.advendurance.com/nationalmtbseries/hilton
  11. Weather for the weekend: Sat: Start line: 2 degrees. Midday: 17 degrees. Sun: Start line: 5 degrees. Midday: 19 degrees.
  12. It hasn't changed. 47km for the Half 75km for the full. 1426m ascent / 770m ascent. Routes are as close to what we can provide you, Erik said he's cleaned stuff, cut new trail etc in Oom Piet and other sections this week. We aim to provide routes as close as dammit but we can't go ride it every time with a gps to get a new 100% accurate reading. It's widely accepted that you can be out by 5% by most organisers. I'd like to say that we are closer to 2.5%. -> Guys, I'm not on here to answer "on demand" questions, It keeps me out of work and prevents a successful event. I help and give feedback where I can, and enjoy doing it. But this is not the kind of job that's a desk job. If I missed your question don't shoot me. I'm already 3 events ahead with prep etc.
  13. We leave that up to each of the companies that do the water points, usually a selection of bananas, potatoes, banana breads, apples, dates, jellies and nuts.
  14. I'll look out for you, normally I'm all over the place. Behind the scenes looking that things run smoothly. Have you not read your race booklet online? I spend alot of time doing those, not gonna make them if no one looks at them http://issuu.com/advendurance/docs/2014_mtn_van_gaalen_driven_by_nissa
  15. We have reversed essentially the whole route for 2014! More updates to follow.
  16. I didn't see any burnt areas on routes, but there are farmers doing some "voorbrande" in the area.
  17. We had our first floating bridge victim yesterday at 15:00. Our lead bike and route marker "English" went swimming! Funny as hell, but also not. Water is apparently this ->|.|<- cold
  18. Craig, mail went out at 07:20 this morning. Your details: 31.19 B 08h10
  19. You should protest as you're from the cape. contact info@saseeding.co.za
  20. a couple draughts and it'll be a very interesting route...
  21. Planning to sit and do the draft route early next week. Meeting to Mabalingwe management then too. Will keep everyones feedback inmind
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