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Everything posted by WesselvdWalt

  1. Some new exciting changes in store for Hilton... watch this space. Also have confirmation of internationals from Nepal for the Ultra.
  2. haha! nope sorry. Yes think we'll baptise him as "Piet Blixsem"
  3. Just caught up with Erik. Most of you know the "Old" "Oom Piet". ..this year we introduce to you the new "Oom Piet" don't under estimate him... Then I've been out to "Jou Baas" Erik has spent much time there taking out rocks, making it wider and smoothing it for you... So hopefully there will be less walking (still bloody hard)
  4. Craig. When I have a answer I will reply. It's not just a matter of pushing a button. Or you'll have a mail before I can reply. I know they haven't been sent yet, there probably good reason for that. hang tight.
  5. Christiaan E 08H40 I see he used the same email as his wife or some. the communication system only works with unique emails.
  6. If you entered after this morning 06:00 then you will receive your seeding email tomorrow, as online entries are then closed. I don't have you on the list for the marathon, Craig.
  7. Charmaine = E 08h40 start Christiaan = not on sun or sat online entries.... mmm...different name or spelling or something perhaps? ID number / SAS number?
  8. 07:15 A 07:40 A 08:00 A 08:10 B 08:20 C 08:30 D 08:40 E 08:50 F 09:00 G The guys have left and tomorrow i'm on route to meet medics and waterpoint personnel etc to show access points and placements. I'll share the details on the whatsapp group to change your details on the race file.
  9. Check your email trash or junk / spam folder. You're batch F
  10. National event so many people (outside Gauteng) might have moved you down Marathon has 100 in a batch, Half has 150 both with 10min gaps...
  11. You can do this, you will just have to notify the time keepers. If you start in a earlier batch you will be DQ'd.
  12. I didn't want the Ultra & Marathon to overlap the last kays as the riders would of joined together, I prefer the ultra boys racing alone. If you're fast you might see some on the "Oom Piet" loop. On the marathon, till the floating bridge will be very tuff, from there it's a walk in the park. We'll work earlier on the routes for 2015 and change the Ultra so that the marathon has closer to 1500m ascent, away from the ultra... and the ultra will be more interesting...
  13. I have one answer for those questions: Pack your PPC bar.
  14. ....day dreaming of "Saartjies Nek"
  15. Guys just remember this is a "National MTB Series" event and not just another race over a weekend. It's meant to be challenging, and the routes are put together to keep the finishing times on standard in the series. Half-Marathon ideal winning time 01h50min - 2h00min Marathon ideal winning time 3h00min - 3h15min Ultra marathon ideal winning time 04h30min - 05h30min We obviously always try to keep it diverse and interesting with a fair balance of all riding conditions. (yes that means there rocks & sand - and not a groomed smooth artificial course, MTB means exactly that "MOUNTAIN" biking - I'm sure the purists will agree.)
  16. The Ultra turns left after Oom Piet en goes to the Greek Church & Jou Bliksem and returns by the donga floating bridge and river bends north. The Marathon turn right after Oom Piet and does Savannah Hills, and the complete River bends south.
  17. Current prediction has a higher high and a lower low... http://www.yr.no/place/South_Africa/North-West/Skeerpoort/long.html
  18. I've been going through some things for this year with Johan from Hakahana. We've been able to almost eliminate any overlap barring one section of jeep track that's 500m long. What didn't you guys like in last years route, I know some guys complained about the last winding track on the 70km before you head down to the finish, and some people hated the climbs toward the end. Will be able to update you shortly, should be sorted soon. The half will see lots more climbing early on but less later, although you'll have about 700m ascent. Marathon looks like it's around 1400m
  19. Or Friday eve at Van Gaalen. Batches will be mostly done tomorrow, online entries close Thursday, rest will be done then.
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