I find that more and more I'm heading away from most forms of plant oil and towards almost completely saturated animal fat. The more I read and research the subject, the more I realise this is my path. So I've been punting my very fatty homemade biltong for a little while now. Well, not to be too controversial, but my own personal conviction is becoming more certain that if you want to be serious about true Paleo/LCHF then you need to get yourself a homemade biltong maker. As I've posted before, my biltong is not the same as commercial types: mine is 70 - 90% fat and only relatively small slivers of actual meat included. The lean stuff is given to the lighty and the missus. Mostly I just have a couple of handfuls to snack on (like when out at sea all day on the boat), which easily take me through a few hours of the day. Better than anything I've come across so far in terms of sustained slow-burn energy. In terms of all-day exercise (like hiking in the Berg), my food of choice is v.fatty biltong mixed with coconut oil. Incredible stuff. My search is over, and I'm happy. A 750ml bottle of this mix will take me through an entire day of climbing/hiking. I was re-reading the old pdf that htone once posted on 'rabbit starvation' - see attached - and I was interested to read this: Normally , according to Stefansson, the diet consisted of dried or cured meat "eaten with fat," namely the highly saturated cavity and back slab fat that could be easily separated from the animal. Another Arctic explorer, Hugh Brody, reports that Eskimos ate raw liver mixed with small pieces of fat and that strips of dried or smoked meat were "spread with fat or lard." Pemmican, a highly concentrated travel food, was a mixture of lean dried buffalo meat and highly saturated buffalo fat. (Buffalo fat, by the way, is more saturated than beef fat.) Less than two pounds of pemmican per day could sustain a man doing hard physical labor. The ratio of fat to protein in pemmican was 80%-20%. As lean meat from game animals was often given to the dogs, there is no reason to suppose that everyday fare did not have the same proportions: 80% fat (mostly highly saturated fat) to 20% protein-in a population in which heart disease and cancer were nonexistent." So if you don't have a homemade biltong maker, best you seriously consider one today . Rabbit starvation.pdf