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Everything posted by Smolly

  1. Separate beds? I don't want to spoon with a man
  2. I've run out of friends that weekend! Would anyone minds if I parked my cooler box next to theirs?
  3. A few hours of rubbish versus 24 hours of awesomeness. ? Simple calculation there.
  4. Smolly


    Fabes? Was it you?
  5. Amateurs! Everyone knows that it must be a red one!
  6. racist undertone! report reprot!!!
  7. yeah, but all killer dogs were puppies at one stage or another!
  8. Fixed it Edit: dogs are cool
  9. So what qualifies for the awarding of a brown eye point? Can we still say crap and ***?
  10. It's like hectic man! My whole like Wednesday is like ruined man!
  11. Points makes it sound like you have achieved something! I have zero, so i'm an underachiever.....but thats been taken already!
  12. Yes!! As luck has it, there are 2 freds that could assist
  13. Might be in. Depends on travel arrangements for next week.
  14. It is not the stripes, but it is the eye that makes the tiger!
  15. As I sign of my faith in this program, I'll throw in a set of balance bangles at 50% discount! This is clearly turning into a win win for any taker!
  16. On a serious note, will you be attending the Rhino Race at VG?
  17. I was aiming for September, as I need the synergy between my genetics, mitochondria,and the universe to align.
  18. Yes I am, but unfortunately I will be at about 10,000 feet. Will be back next week again!
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