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Everything posted by Smolly

  1. My plan is quite simple, knock up a hot ozzie chick with a rich dad who owns a chain of bottle stores!
  2. Its like farting against thunder. Not gonna make a difference. Its government policy/law so white folk are fooked either way!
  3. I'll wear my bright green mankini!
  4. Thanks. Mulders is not too far from me.
  5. Apparently not and silly me went a bought a bike with well engineered expensive hydraulic brakes. Ooops!
  6. Big difference. A pull versus a push is big. Hydraulic is a gazillion time better as you can feel your brakes and adjust pressure as required opposed to pulling a cable.
  7. Did you ask him why he is not wearing a Helmut and white stretchy pant?
  8. Depends what tires you have. And rather do it properly with the kit
  9. I battle to stay upright on small wheels, imagine what will happen if I get the "circus" edition
  10. Faaark you! I love my small wheels and I don't smoke bottle necks
  11. The colour REALLY does make a difference. Every time I visit VG I am guaranteed to wipe out and I find that the blood really shows up on a white bike! Now you see, red is dual purpose
  12. Recently I have been rather slow (training and races). I am so slow that I even missed the last race. Now, here is the crucher! My bike is white with red writing, but we all know red is faster. So can you paint my bike red, make the writing white, then add big bad flames (also makes you faster)?
  13. It will be hot, but that has never stopped anyone. Let me confirm with the other possible rider and I'll let you know.
  14. Bwahahah. Maybe order some male escorts.
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