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Posts posted by P.A.K.

  1. As a Type-2 diagnosed diabetic I can vouch for that behaviour. But I can also tell you that what you see there is uncontrolled addiction to carbs, hence you have behaviour that is exactly similar to junkie behaviour or the alcoholic that binge-drinks when he/she gets the opportunity. And until you realise and acknowledge that it IS addiction, your behaviour won't change, just like an addict to anything won't change. And no manner of threatening or reasoning will change that - the addict has to realise that the problem is addiction and must have the desire to change, otherwise nothing will happen. So no offence taken, your observations are spot-on !!!

    Never realized its that serious, that it is like an addiction :eek:
  2. I've had people tell me that diabetics can be some of the most selfish people there are, because they don't care about their eating habits and its their loved-ones that suffer. Of course a huge generalisation and no offence meant to the diabetics in this thread (you are doing it right! :thumbup: ).


    I don't understand how someone can suffer from serious condition and NOT go through the trouble of reading up and research everything they can and then adapting their lifestyle



    It depends if you really are serious in reading alternative viewpoints. Only those that are able to look at things from both perspectives equally, generally find the truth. There are many sources to read that highlite the health disadvantages of a very low carb diet, with the emphasis on very low or ketogenic diets in normal people. Seek and you shall find ... Better you find it yourself than somebody recommends sources, otherwise it's a case of shoot the messenger on a close minded forum of low carbers.


    It's almost a given that with continuous Low Carb diets that you are going to have reduced ability to process glucose. At least initially when you do consume again and depending on how long you did, it might take a long time for your body to heal again, if ever.


    Stress, low calories and heavy endurance exercise increases estrogen, damages mitochondria, lowers metabolism, increases cortisol and adrenaline etc, all the stress hormones wich cause rapid aging, heart damage and calcification of arteries. First to go is reduced thymus size (immune system) , thyroid gland size, sex drive, etc, etc.

    You forgot to mention Ray Peat
  4. Cholesterol...

    My doctor gave my blood test results to my wife a week after I visited him, and now she is very concerned because my cholesterol measured at in at 6.6. I'm age 24.


    I don't know anything about the type of tests done or what this result means but apparently it is concerning. I'll get the report from him next week.


    My wife wants me to stop the 'fat diet' and start taking Procydin or Rycol. Nee dankie.


    Guess I have some reading to do

  5. What do you need to get on the bike, Im sure we can all do something to help.

    Thank you. But I'll rather not exploit the good hearted Hubbers :thumbup:

    I believe I'll be able to get the bike in working order for under R1,000 so I'll be able to do that.


    It hasn't been fixed yet because I've been told the assessor still wants to see the bike. But I guess I can write that on my stomach. So much for being optimistic.


    Thanks again guys.


    It just feels so unfair. I feel he must take some sort of responsibility. Its more about the principal of the thing than the money now. Makes me very angry, but its not worth getting worked up

  6. Forgive my critical eye, but I dont see any lights or reflectors on your bike and in the pitcure it seems to be quite dark still...


    Happy you are okay, but how was your visibility? And could this have been avoided by being more visible?

    Second pic is actually the first. Sun rose quickly after that and then I snapped the one of the front of the taxi. Light was on helmet.


    Eye forgiven. :thumbup: I did have reflective clothing on too. But I'm definitely adding high-viz and flickering lights to my bike after this

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