To add my 2c here ... Paleo, Keto and LCHF are similar, but they have significant differences. Paleo (as mentioned by Dave) = choose real / whole foods the kind of stuff that the caveman ate. If you cant identify it as food it's not on the list. Paleo is usually (not always) lower in carbs than a standard modern diet, but certainly has carbs in it ... sometimes as much as 100g per day. There's little talk of macronutrient ratios in the Paleo world ... its more a thought of "listen to your body, eat caveman food, eat when hungry, exercise like a caveman" Paleo could be LCHF, but does not have to be. LCHF's defining characteristic is that carbs are kept below 50g per day. More thought given to macronutrients than with Paleo, but less thought as to if the food is 'modern' or 'traditional'. By definition, is high in fat, low in carb, moderate in protein. You may achieve some level of ketosis with this, but ketosis is not a requirement. No guidelines on exercise, this is just diet stuff. Keto is where you are trying deliberately to get the body into a state of ketosis (generally described as blood ketones between 1 and 7. Too close to 10 and you're nearing ketoacidosis) - and hold it there. This usually for some medical reason (seizure control, etc) or to promote rapid weight loss. Here carbs are even more strictly controlled, including the timing and macronutrient ratio of each and every meal, sources of fats, supplements, etc. Also, its not unusual for keto diets to be monitored by a doc or dietician to ensure that ketosis stays at an optimal level. I heard of a kid yesterday who is seizure free with blood ketones between 3 and 6, but above or below that and the seizures start again .... ask anyone who has been in ketosis .... THAT's not easy to control. My personal experience is that a true keto diet is damn hard. Any fool can get to ketosis in 2-3 weeks, staying there permanently is not for the feint hearted! I guess that most folk here are somewhere between Paleo and LCHF. From the posts here, there is general consensus that sugar and processed foods are bad, whole foods are good, and carb restriction helps with a plethora of medical conditions. Also LCHF and Paleo allow some room for 'treats' (I prefer the term treats to cheats) ... keto does not.