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Everything posted by DaleE

  1. Interesting. Are you (still) following a MAF style training regime? or do you include some hi-intensity stuff? If you are doing hi-intensity sessions, are these on water only?
  2. Jc, I'm guessing those are all fairly fast release carbs. Have you ever tried UCAN or other slow release product?
  3. Ok, not wanting to start another "this study is great/good/ok/bad/lousy" argument here ... and also not denying that these researchers are probably lots smarter than me .... so this is really just food for thought .... This study was done on mice. Now, from what I remember, mice are naturally grain/seed/nuts/corn eaters, they don't have much fat in their natural diet. So I would expect that if you take an animal and radically change it's natural diet, then there will be issues. Is this not the same as taking a lion, only feeing it bread and potatoes for 6 months, then at the end of the study the conclusion is; "the lion died, so carbs are bad for humans" Perhaps their assumption is that humans have the same natural metabolism to mice, so parallels can be drawn?? I could not get access to the whole study, so maybe am missing something here, but not sure how much we should infer from rodent studies ito nutrition. Surely, human studies - which are far harder to control and are therefor harder to interpret - are the ones we should be looking at?
  4. HI Rastaman, If the cravings are for sweet things, hang in there, it will pass. Some believe that sugar is highly addictive so it may be your addiction kicking in. Real hunger is not something you should really be experiencing long term. Not because it's not good for you, but rather because very few of us can withstand it for long, and when you do succumb, you may end up eating junk. Assuming you're not counting calories, perhaps try upping your fat content - an avo or bag of macadamia nuts or fatty biltong or even a little neat olive or coconut oil if you can stomach it. 3.7kg is a lot in 10 days. It is possible that this is mostly glycogen stores and their attached water. Not trying to pi$$ on your battery here, just understand that those first kg's are seldom all fat, and glycogen stores may come back quickly if you suddenly revert to junk food / refined carb / grains again. True fat loss normally happens much slower than that, so don't get discouraged when the rate of loss suddenly slows down - you are (imho) on the right track - stick with it and the results will come.
  5. Eggs are quite a bit more then usual ... ±R70 of 24, but proper free range with decent size Biltong, meat seems to be about the same as woolworths - sometimes a bit cheaper Cheeses, etc are expensive - sort of the hand made style stuff. Without sounding like a total prat, I often don't look too closely at the pricing - I'm happy to pay a little more for a quality product that I believe to be better for me. Heading off there shortly - will enquire as to the status of raw milk, etc.
  6. How do you feel? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what some think is too thin, others will say is normal. Is Chris Froome sickly thin? Compared to Cavendish he is positively undernourished Passing the buck here ... only you can tell how you feel and therefor if you're too thin.
  7. Welcome in advance then I'm not sure sale of raw milk is "not allowed" ... my local deli sold it till around 2 months back but supplier apparently stopped supplying - I got the feeling it was more an economics thing than a legal thing. Goat milk is available There are places to go for this stuff, but you do need to look around. I use Gogo's in Newlands for eggs, grass fed meat, biltong, goat milk and cheese. http://gogosdeli.wozaonline.co.za Daily Dairy is another name that springs to mind - somewhere in Northern Suburbs iirc - perhaps drop htone a note - I think he suggested them a while back. Also seem to be more and more farmers markets popping up.
  8. Welcome to the madhouse Note to self: the cream in Stutterheim looks LOTS better than the stuff we get down here :clap:
  9. Not sure if it's normal, but not uncommon. My feeling is it's a combination of 2 things. First the sheer volume of calories in a fat shake - you body may be struggling to hanlde. Second, the 'oily' nature of the drink which seems to trigger an uneasy feeling. If you have not had it before, it can be a bit of a shock to they system. I don't know what you put in yours, but perhaps try half doses of the oils for starters. Personally I make mine with cream, butter, coconut oil, milk and Nomu. More milk = less oily. If you want to go the fat shake route, build it up slowly to full strength.
  10. I don't have a name in JHB for you. I can give you the details for my doc (cardiologist) here in CT who understands LCHF/Paleo ... perhaps he can refer you to someone in JHB? PM me if you want his details.
  11. Pretty much all the books on LCHF / Paleo have some science in them. Rememer that most of the time the authors are trying to convince their peers that the science is good, hence the technical stuff. If you develop a taste for the technical bits, go fond "Good Calories, Bad Calories" ... makes Lore of Running seem like a short story
  12. I started doing blood tests post heart attack simply because I did not believe that this high fat way of eating could possibly be healthy - it's hard to ignore 40 years of nutrition education! At the time my weight and health were all over the place so I used the tests to evaluate changes as i made them. later on I started correlating feeling and performance with blood tests, so that now blood tests are less important to me. This process has taken 2 years! things we can't test now and long term effects? The simple answer is I don't know. My very simple logic is that it it works for me now (for last 18 months), blood tests are good, performance is good, cardiologist is happy, weight is stable ... how can this be bad for me in the long term? "everything in moderation" Allow me to be facetious here ... when you say "everything", does that include cocaine? tobacco? Obviously not, and yet, some of the worst toxins (PUFA's, sugar, etc) have become everyday foods so get included in this thought that they are "ok in moderation". It really is about rethinking what is actually necessary and good for your body.
  13. Look at "the art and science of low carb living" by Volak and Phinney Or for a more performance / exercise related angle "the art and science of low carb performance" by Phinney
  14. Hi Riaan, Yup, that's a pretty good summary ... as someone here once said, "not all fats are good, not all carbs are bad" It is easy to get confused with this stuff - not only because there are many studies and "experts" who all contradict each other but because what works for you may (or may not) work for me! The population is not all the same and you will have a different reaction to carbs, protein, fat, oils, hormones, etc etc to the next person. My view is that I'm really only interested in what works for ME, and this I measure by feel, performance and blood tests. If study X says that 12million people were studied and they all grew 6 inches taller eating pies and drinking coke ... well that's fine, but if it don't work for me then I generally ignore it regardless of the sample size. The downside of this approach is that it took me months to really start listening to my body - perhaps I'm a slow learner From the sounds of it you're on the right track already - less sugar, fast food, PUFA, bad carbs, etc. Now all you need to do is refine your C:F:P intake to a level that makes you feel good. "Is Paleo closer to the ultimate?" For you, it may be. NO ONE can tell you what the "ultimate" is for you - you have to find it for yourself.
  15. Shew - that pic does really not do him any favours. You're right he does look a lot older. Having seen him in the flesh last week, I thought he looked fine - bear in mind the man is 60+
  16. link seems to be broken ....
  17. So let's dive into the can of worms .... There is MUCH debate as to the importance of cholesterol numbers, right from those who think any cholesterol measure is meaningless through to those who deliver the standard lipid panel is gospel. The consensus view in the paleo / lchf community seems to be that particle size is more important, but if you read cardiologists like Thomas Dayspring (very pro lchf), his opinion is that size is not important, but rather the sheer number of particles. He did 2 fascinating podcasts with Jimmy Moore last year- worth a listen. For a more local view, have a look at http://cardiologydoc.wordpress.com He is a CT based cardiologist & the bloke who recommended lchf for me post heart attack. Go read the post entitled "Atherogenic Lipoproteins and Cardiovascular Disease" - about half way down the page - for a good understanding of what to measure and why. I have not found a lab that will do the LDLp test; but as mentioned in the blog above, APO tests are good proxies for p tests. Patchcare can do the APO A1 and B tests & if you specifically request it. results take 7 days.
  18. For those who bought the Real Meal book. This apparently will be included in the next print run.
  19. Yup, also enjoyed the talk. A few things stood out for me: 1. No mention of ketosis anywhere. Focus is entirely on insulin resistance and blood glucose. I suppose cause it's easier to measure and easier to understand. 2. He is obviously still struggling to convince folk that fat is not bad for you - clear in both the amount of time spent on it and the questions afterwards. 3. His story about the GM study that was pulled recently - would love to find more info on that. 4. The guy who asked the question about high LDL levels on LCHF .... I'm pretty sure that can be controlled with more mono and less saturated fat. I thought this was fairly common knowledge, but Noakes seemed to indicate that both he and Taubes are still looking for an answer in this regard. 5. Absolutely loved Sally's presentation - a really good way to bring the point home.
  20. Invite was 18h00 for 18h30 ...
  21. Interesting. 2-3 days? I assume you're drinking something during this time. Water only? or something with electrolytes in it?
  22. Fasting ... It pop's up every now and again, and looking around on the www, there are plenty of writings both for and against. So, I was wondering if anyone here has tried it? Most importantly, why? what did you do? what were the results?
  23. I see there is now a Wiki page of lchf ... looks like a work in progress, but generally a good summary of lchf. Easy read for those who ask about the crazy way we eat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-carbohydrate_diet
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