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Posts posted by Sandro


    I avg a bit higher cadence wise, and got rid of compacts as the bunches (A/B) rode away from me on the flats, forcing my cadence (and heart rate) through the roof causing me to blow. My avg candence did drop dramatically when I built up a new bike and had the saddle too high. Sorted that out with a professional fitment. So there is lots of merit in having a pro look at your setup!


    Any suggestions for figment? I believe Arran Brown is good?


    From the three, I'd say heart rate & time. Add some form (cadence) to it. Difficult to do that when riding in groups. Another option would be to chase Strava segments (not every single one out there, but select a few for each ride) - it will serve as good intervals, without the utter boredom and rigour of a formal 8minte hard, 4 recover type of setup


    Strava segments?

  3. Thanks guys, appreciate it! So less gym and soccer and more time on the bike, makes sense. One thing I do notice is that I feel the strain in my legs way more than I do from a breathing point of view. I also ride at a pretty high cadence (average about 80)


    Now as far as compact cranks are concerned, I've only had them on this bike and ridden with them for the last year, I know they're quite common these days but what is your take on them? I'm not convinced myself.


    That is not a lot of training, so you'll have to make sure to make every minute count for as much as possible. Have clear goals for each session.

    Also, if cycling is the only thing you do - no cross training / strength, etc - maybe consider adding some of that? Work on your weak spots (the exercises you hate doing!)


    Ok I dont only cycle, I also train gym (strength training) 4 or 5 times a week and I play action soccer for 60 to 90 minutes on a Saturday.

  5. Thanks guys, seems you've given me some homework to do...


    Carpet's right, 2008 was a very quick 94.7. In fact it was only 91 km's I think, so probably safer to say my time would have been around 3:00...


    Current cassette with compact is 12/25 which is what I used to ride with 39/53.


    My average HR yesterday was 146.


    Truth be told I have never trained that much, always averaged 100 to 180km per week made of 75 to 120 on a weekend and two smaller rides or spinning sessions during the week so safe to say I don't think I've ever overtrained.


    Thanks for working out time percentages, in saying that 2010 94.7 was a disaster, I punctured twice and ended up making a fun ride out if it. I didn't ride at all during 2011 after that 94.7 and ended up entering the 2011 one at the last minute, my bike only landed a few days before so that was an exact year without training and the beginning of training again. I don't normally train on my own, no.


    My weight has always fluctuated between 77 and 80kgs and I'm 6'1 so definitely not overweight.


    I suppose I'm just getting older now and need to train harder just to try and keep up with what I used to do? Not having set goals as far as training is concerned is probably also a problem but these things seem to be so damn technical.


    Else I need to start smoking again ;)

  6. I'm putting it out there because maybe someone has had a similar experience... I'm in a position right now where my training is the same as it has been and I'm actually riding a much better bike than before. In fact I trained almost right through winter which I've never done before. I've been cycling (road) for about 8 years now and lately my times are significantly slower (like 20 to 30 minutes on a 100km ride)... The only real factors that have changed are:


    - I'm riding a different bike now (better though)

    - I stopped smoking in January

    - I'm riding with compact cranks now (reluctantly)


    I had the bike set up at a reputable shop but is it possible that the set up is not right? Could this make such a big difference in my performance? As far as compact cranks are concerned, I believe gearing is still pretty similar, no?


    I've never been a top rider, make no mistake but at least I used to be able to hold my own (like 2:47 for 94.7 as opposed to yesterday's Jacaranda which took me 4:15!)


    Anyway any suggestions would be most welcome at this stage...

  7. I don't think any of us have the right to actully judge unless we've competed at that level in cycling. I think when you've committed that much of your life to winning and endured so much then there's very little you won't do to compete. And that's what it comes down to I'm afraid. Once again, don't hate the player, hate the game. We can all sit here and judge with our 'holier than though' opinions but quite frankly, we don't know jack of what it must actually be like.

  8. Big up to the organizers, well marshaled, water points didn't seem to run out of drink, even had bananas. Can of coke and bottle of water at the finish. I reckon other organizers can learn a lot from these guys. Just a pity about the wiiiiiind. And that mud bath in the beginning, I got mud in places I didn't even know my bike had places.

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