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Pants Boy

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Everything posted by Pants Boy

  1. Was also thinking about getting some pepper spray - but with the people being so bosbefok in Pretoria nowadays I may end up being charged with assault. I just pull a knife and that ends it - white boys cannot run fast enough if you pull a knife in a fight, they just *** themselves.
  2. What the hell is going on the last week? yesterday afternoon, and this morning, people tried to left-hook me. I ended up in a shouting match with the idiot yesterday, until his son jumped out of his Land Cruiser and tried to slap me. I put stop to that, and went home. This morning, another bloody white bakkie brigade member did the same thing - storms past me, only to cut right in front of me into a driveway - me doing 28ish km/h, fooking far left of the road. Had a 'nicer' altercation - just told the 'lady' that I hope she has a really blessed day.
  3. Pic from my commute yesterday afternoon.
  4. If I may, two questions back at you, then you can answer your own question: 1) How would suggesting cutting the payment affect your friendship? 2) How would you feel (and be brutally honest) if your mate did that to you? Remember that he may be depending on the reduced costs to make ends meet ... Tough one.
  5. Well done everyone! Now get some silly prizes sponsored
  6. Got confirmation from Putco this morning that driver has been suspended pending disciplinary hearing. Some bigwig in Putco got wind of this and blew his top
  7. Nee sies man spoeg uit! Nothing can be worse than that GRIP crap lol
  8. Lol, no, I'm prepared (unless he bumps me from behind)
  9. How about cycling into the 31st ... you now, for earth hour?
  10. My back tire's pretty chewed up, so I rotated them on Saturday - swopped front for rear. Pulled 13 thorns out of the tow tires - a lot can be said for Slime! I've only had a tire go completely flat once, never noticed any other thorns I've also figure out Michael Jackson's secret ... on Thursday morning, a Putco bus bumped me in Duncan street, Pretoria, nothing broken but badly shaken. After receiving no joy from cops, metro police and Putco about the driver, I paid him a visit in his bus on Friday morning. A boot in the face and a promise to make doggy treats out of him seems to have sorted him out. He turned a 'whiter shade of pale', a la MJ. I was given a wide berth this morning on my commute, dunno how long that's going to last I wouldn't recommend anyone repeat my actions, I've probably made myself a moving target for the foreseeable future.
  11. It's sad that I just laughed about that, because it's too true.
  12. Welcome to the clan, PAK. Take it easy for the first week or so, get used to doing two rides a day, and no recovery rides, then start upping the mileage. And don't, for heaven's sake, go skinny dipping with the wife after 12 one night, you may just end up taking the car to work for the next two weeks (doctor's orders lol)
  13. I'm just wondering aloud here ... who was inconsiderate in this instance? I know where my money is ...
  14. Scout a couple of different routes by car. If it feels 'unsafe' in a car, don't try it by bicycle. Taxis, on the average, are MUCH friendlier to cyclists than motorists. When you stop next to one at a traffic light, make small talk - they drive the same route, day in and day out, mostly at the same times as well. It pays to make buddies along the road
  15. LOL thought I had the Commute challenge in the bag, only to be pipped by David logging his miles late last night If you can wrangle a rand-for-rand discount voucher at a cycle shop, I'll throw in R100 towards the most commuted miles in Feb. IE, get a shop to issue a R200 voucher for R100 Any other takers?
  16. Go Team! LOL. What happened to the rumors of prizes?
  17. Wait what? They have bikes for rent? Malingi?
  18. LOL. I've got a Spalding bike from Makro, and have put in a little over 400km so far this year commuting to work and back. I REALLY want to go do Voriberg and/or XCOSA, but no ways in hell I'm going to use that bike on those trails, it's going to be in pieces in short order. I spent two looong Saturdays getting the bike sorta proper for riding, and it's ok for a commute. The wheels are so out of true it's not even funny, I've trued them thrice now and they still go out a little (after some miles) Lots of creaking all over, BAD brakes (plastic levers all over, waiting for them to break) BUT it has gotten me back on a bike and saving some cash. I put a rand for every kilometer I commute into a savings account, which will go towards a better bike at year-end (hopefully I can pick up something decent, like a Scott Aspect 10 Hybrid at end-of-year-range prices) Yes, the bike's not great, it's heavy, slow, has sucky gear changes, bad brakes etc, but I see it this way - I've got a year(ish) to get fit on a heavy, crap bike before getting myself something a ton better
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