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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. Sorry, just to correct. It's 150 bonus points for 30 minutes of excercise above 70% avg HR... and only one session per day. Just had to correct that. Otherwise, all correct. Max base fitness points you can accrue (per person) is 15000. Bonus goes above that value.
  2. Because Polar will always be the most recognised HR monitor... Speed, cadence & time might be a different option in terms of registering excercise. But then again, probably a "single company agreement" in place as Polar monitors can do all that as well. As for the fact that Garmin are here to stay - yes, they are. But so are Woolworths and Disco don't partner with them anymore (a little fact that their credit card was doing better that the in-house woolies one) and PnP is the only food partner... Just a thought...
  3. Finally some people who know how to use it! Log any race. Road, mtb or running, you get points. Fitness assessment (done at accredited biokineticist) which you can claim back from med aid savings... 7500 points a time and you can do 2 a year... HIV test - 5000 points. Stop smoking - 5000 points. Online tests, up to 9500 points, overnight. Easy!
  4. yip... that sure is a good reason to keep it... But then you can just get a Polar that has the capability of cadence and altitude etc (x 725?), or the cycling specific ones as well... might have been a better option (i don't know - never compared them to the Garmin. I just have a polar for my HR and a Sigma for the cadence, speed etc so i can use the polar for running, gym and hiking as well) oh, and the points will help you with extra discount at PnP as well...
  5. Trivial? Hah! But yeah, it all depends on the partnerships that are made between corporations etc... If there was enough pressure to include Garmin on the list of partners, I'm sure something would be done. However, seeing as there is a relatively small (compared to Polar) following on the Garmin side of things, there will always be a problem. Also might be an agreement between Disco & Polar regarding Polar being the only HR monitoring tech that has exposure to Vitality (eg: PnP on the discount side of things) But I see your point... exercise is exercise, and HR over 2 hours will be the same whether on Garmin or Polar...
  6. all encompassing, really... coffee, service & prices in the region i expect. And if not, then an explanation as to why. Friendliness, and just a general good atmosphere. Also good stock. The Jelly & lesbians will also help to sway me though... Be prepared to pay them a bit of lip service! (that means pass on a good word, dammit!)
  7. easy. Be a seconder. And if you don't want to be a seconder, do the base miles. Only thing that will increase efficiency and your ability to carry on going while at the same time using up less energy, thus producing less lactic acid (closer to threshold you are, the more you make - thus, train more, threshold gets higher...)
  8. lol.... reading this just makes me laugh. The joy in crashing is the realization of how much we love our bikes and riding them, how we can't afford to be off them for just one week because we are so totally and utterly devoted to them. Makes you think what life without a bike would be for some of us... And what the guys in Barloworld must be thinking now that their sponsorship is pulled after one guy screwed it all up for them. What a shame. For me, i love getting back on the bike after a fall or injury. Even did the Amashova 3 weeks after breaking my hand... was friggin sore, but did it anyway. And I realised what I had missed over those few weeks. Never mind my bike was only 6 weeks old at the time so i had to cut the honeymoon short for a while. Martelpypie, recover and reform dude. You won't regret it...
  9. you can't vent without telling anyone anything!!! Vent away! Vent away!
  10. She's a beaut! Now to get a name for her. Many happy miles, Crow!
  11. Terminator, i SO don't need to hear that! Evil thoughts. Evil Thoughts. Evil thoughts. Checking it out now...
  12. Fair enough... my absolute ceiling is 15k... will have to join the bike on the couch if i spend any more... I do like the GT, and will look at the Rush. Didn't know ORBEA made bikes in the same price band as the ones i listed originally... So far GT is looking like the one. I can always buy a hydro pack, and I can get a good price for the 2.0...
  13. ah.... i see discount coming for Merida bikes! Pity it's so far away... u dont reckon they might just have had more of a margin on the other bikes?
  14. Okay... I have a dilemma. I'm a Hardtail kinda guy, but have been looking more and more at the DS side of things, because of the reports of others on the user friendliness, better ride etc etc that they give. I have come to a decision on the hardtail I want to get, but have narrowed the DS to 4 choices... 1: GT Marathon 2.0 2: Giant Anthem 2 3: Merida 900 D 4: Raleigh Marathon 4.0 As far as I can see, the GT has the highest spec, possibly outdone by Merida. Any help? GT looks nicest as well. But Raleigh is cheapest.
  15. So is the REV 3 from the pics i'm seeing... Unfortunately don't have the money for a REV3 at the moment, but it is on the wish-list!
  16. * Hijack on* To those of you that have followed the Tag saga, somewhere on the hub, I mentioned that people do great things for people they haven't met. * Hijack off* Nice one sampie *Hijack on* Damn, it has enough drama etc to last the writers of Isidingo, Bold & Beautiful, Days & Egoli for the next 200 million years! Just getting a bit old now, really... waiting for the end result is painful! *Hijack off* Yeah, nice one Sampie. More of what we need in the circumstances... BL, how's the launch of the Rev-4 coming along? Or are you still doing final tweaks with batteries etc...
  17. I will not buy a new bike. I will not buy a new bike. I will not buy a new bike. I will not...... OOH! That GT looks hawt! Was thinking.... No. No. NO!!! I will not buy a new bike I will not...
  18. Totally 100% correct. It's one thing I've found in looking for batteries / drivers / optics etc - they're all cheap individually, but even for a halfway-decent looking home-made light you're looking at R1k plus for it all. And then if you want a better housing for heat-wicking capabilities, or maybe just a light that doesn't need a water bottle for a battery housing, well then we're talking even more... B-L, I am definitely a future client. Just need a MTB first!
  19. sincere condolences to his wife. To be told he's just going to get some burgers, and then.... tragic.
  20. No... that would just incite more violence and disregard etc. Plus we'd probably just go after them and kick their wing mirrors off for them. (no jokes, my mate did this when a Volvo cut him off while he was riding his motorbike)
  21. Guys guys guys.... alot more being thrown around than necessary. Rookie 101 came across a group of cyclists, on a MAIN road, complete with yellow line. Said cyclists were not utilising yellow line, as they should (out of courtesy, but more out of respect for the fact that we go slower than cars and our lives are at risk from taxis etc) and riding MORE than 2 abreast, so that she had to GO OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD (read: in to oncoming traffic) in order to pass. Now surely, as cyclists, we are courteous and considerate of other road users, and there is an unwritten code that states "no more than 2 abreast at any one time, when it is safe to do so, and doesn't obstruct other road users". Evidently I do not have the same viewpoint as some others on this forum. End of the line is, don't do as these inconsiderate louts did. Ride safe. Don't block the road. Be considerate. And most of all, never, EVER, call a lady an asshole, or you will get the fists of karma coming for you at a rate of knots.
  22. Good luck to you though. Will increase your fitness helluva fast though!!! ;-) Winter training, anyone?
  23. It's just another example of teh apathy present in today's society. Responses like "oh, it doesn't affect us, so why should we do anything about it?" and "not my dog" come to mind. Get a ride going like the one coming up next week. I reckon it's the way to go. Petitions don't do anything anymore, and retaliation isn't the way to get us cyclists recognised as proper members of society. We need a dramatic shift of midnset on the part of the drivers, as well as a change in the way some of us ride in order to be recognised as a community, before we start the name and blame en masse (yes, I am generalising - the complacent amongst us give us that bad a name) Become rule-abiding ourselves and we will have a leg to stand on. Not that we can't start now and get somewhere in the fight against the scourge that is cycling deaths. Get more protest rides organised. We need to be noticed and recognised as people, not just "okes what like to be dressed funny"cptmayhem2008-06-06 09:44:11
  24. hahahahhahah!!! You win dude. You win! Now just to find a battery that'll last 3 hours. Cue Iron Man Arc Reactor, maybe?
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