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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. jealousy is making me nasty... I hate it! Throw it into the bushes and never look back! (otherwise you'll see me scampering out my hiding spot to take it out and play) many happy, mud & dirt-filled kms, Cat-i...
  2. green looks faster. The blue is just too light for my liking, but i agree with most of the peeps in saying go for orange!
  3. too many pies.... Need to get on it properly from now on - i have the time, and now the inclination to do it. Starts with the Argus...
  4. Disgusting. No need for it at all... The death of common courtesy and respect in our country is fast approaching
  5. Bastardo! Yet another example of the lack of common sense and decency (forgive the generalization - i know perfectly well that there are exceptions) in our country.
  6. Community Service. Just saw an idjit in a blue VW POLO chuck his ciggie out his window. Did not get his plate number (unfortunately) but what a tool. Can't believe he did this with more than 3 fires raging in the Cape today and more to come. Luckily it was into a verge garden, and i got out and buried it in the soil after putting it out on the road. Gve them all community service, I say. Litterbugs all.
  7. Medium. Could just get away with a large, but i can chuck a medium about alot easier than i can a large...
  8. Start by taking the apostrophe away from "hubbers" it's a plural. Apart from that, I fully support you, CS - we have got to start changing the way we ride. Before we can take the motorists to task, we need to make sure that our camp is fully in the right. IE: no red-light jumping. Single File riding at all times... And most of all - COMMON COURTESY. Smile, wave, and not just the middle finger.
  9. OWEE!!! I've been like that before, and it hurts like hell... Wish him a speedy recovery.
  10. career aspirations, eh? That ones got a ticket to nowhere. fast.
  11. Unfortunate, but true. Another tip that the "rest of them" need to be aware of: Wear a helmet! Sick and tired of seeing Joe Public riding around, without a care in the world, without a lid on and going STRAIGHT thru the lights as if we were living in, I dunno, Post-apocalyptic RSA where there are NO PPL AROUND!
  12. heh... UFO indeed. Those valve-lights kinda remind me of those spoke sliders that used to shoot to the outside of the rim when you rode, then slide back when you slowed down... The memories! Blue BMX, not a care in the world.
  13. Cateye 7LED read light, plus those little toggey ones to fit on your pack... Revelation 3 up front At least, that's what I want...
  14. One little thing I'd like to share is this... If you ride early morning / dusk / night-time, instead of just a super-bright bar light, get yourself a small led to fit onto your helmet. They cost just R80 or so and weigh next to nothing, but because it'll be bobbing around (due to your head moving whilst you ride) it'll be noticed alot more by the motorists than just a stationary light...
  15. Viva! Viva! Lovely letter... I like the one about the ant & the grasshopper as well. Very George Orwell-ish
  16. no sympathy... yet. If it gets out that the guy was in the right, was easily visible and didn't flip the guy off for just looking at him funny, he'll get it.
  17. i was just about to post something else - maybe I was misunderstanding my misunderstanding you had of my post... Wait... way too much thought for this early. And it be true what you say. And then they get knocked over, and the whole thing starts again... You have access to any sticky mines up there? cptmayhem2009-02-19 03:05:09
  18. Hey Samma, I think you misunderstood me somewhat... I was referring to all the idjits who are giving us a bad name, ie: red-light jumpers, non lid / light wearers etc etc, and taking them to task when they do something stupid like that... Myself, I like to think i am a good rider (not the fittest by a long way though) and regularly thank motorists for just waiting to pass me, and always stop at red lights. I can't think of one time when I've flipped the bird in the past 3 years (used to commute in London - it was rife over there) And to answer your q, (even though it was rhetorical) : We're all @ssholes (been tarred with 1 mthafckn HUGE brush) And until ALL of us ride & drive in a courteous, responsible way, there always will be @ssholes out there that give both fraternaties a bad name. To quote you, we have to start with our own house. I started doing that on Monday morning, and had to stop my 2 training partners from going thru red signals & stop streets just this morning. After all, it is about education. And a change of attitude... To put another side on it though - I was waiting at a red light on Waal st this morning, around 7am, when a ped just says to me "Ry over the lights, man! There's no cars coming"
  19. Hey Skye, unfortunately those guys will never change - until one of them does get killed, on or off the bike, then they get even more angry... Only thing to do is adjust our own riding, and when we're ON our bikes, if we see anyone, to confront them. Maybe we do that on our rides Saturday mornings?
  20. How much for the cateye? no such thing as too expensive if it can save your life. Not that much more though...
  21. nope... sorry! Was also referred to as a pedestrian being knocked over. Will probably have more news pretty soon, from someone who has access to that grapevine...
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