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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. OH YES!!! That feeling you get on the ST when you're afraid you're going too fast for the corner, or are going to hit that huge friggin root in the middle of the ST and come pip = and then you make it stick and carry on off the drop-off and it's the biggest one you've done yet... pure exhilaration!
  2. I like the idea of the black armbands - if enough people subscribe to it, and the word is put out there... think of the TV coverage, and the guys being interviewed on Supersport, followed by the (probably small - but anyway) article in the paper the next day... Unfortunately, though, you're always going to have idjits on the road. Cyclist or non-cyclist. Saw 4 seperate ppl disobeying the rules this afternoon on my 50km circuit between Wynberg & Fish Hoek... Jumping stop-streets & red lights without a care in the world. Not to mention the lack of helmets on a further 5! The APATHY!
  3. Well, he either doped or didn't dope. Personally, I like to think he didn't dope and it was purely the anger that fuelled him to 7 tour victories. That and the tremendous support he got from his underlings during the tours. We have no proof that he doped, and as such cannot lay blame at his feet purely because he's beaten all those who have doped. It's like saying Ali put cement in his gloves because he beat Foreman, and that Rossie put 30 kilo lead weights into his competitors' bikes frames the year he went to Yamaha... Can't we just accept that he's won it fair and square, on pure and simple talent and just simple dedication? And if he wins it this year? What then? Oh - let me guess - he's running on Ethanol.
  4. the insurance thing shouldn't be a problem unless you're a "professional" cyclist who does races all the time, or an elite cyclist. Even then, cycling is hardly a "dangerous pursuit"... all the "at own risk" thing is, is absolving the Cycle Tour Trust and the Chappies maintenance team from any liability should you come a-croppa due to a rather large, un-social carbon-based shpongle falling on top of you. Standard insurance will cover, and in the case of non-recreational cyclists, will cover as long as you've notified said life office (insurer) that you're a professional cyclist, taking part in x amount of races per year. Even then, there shouldn't be an exclusion. Add to that that the indemnity will be pretty much the same as the ones Motorsport SA make all spectators at rallies and hillclimbs sign - just so that you can't sue THEM for negligence... Hope this little rant clears things up...
  5. RIP Craig - truly a horrible thing to have happen to you on what you think to be a normal night. Something has to be done... the rumble strips work, and are a great deterrent from drifting to the yellow line... Not nice. At all.
  6. so who had the cassette? They did. And they kept it for you, I imagine? Like you asked them to? And you asked for a discount? Cheeky b&&ger. Go back to your house, and live your life in the bubble, while flaming shops that don't give a discount in these times of drastically reduced sales, less disposable income and economic strife. I pity da fool.
  7. tell us when, and we'll be there...
  8. Sanka, you dead man? Just wear green socks, and claim you're a Jamaican soccer supporter. Either that, or say your hero is Jens Voigt. And put on a German accent.
  9. Many happy returns posman... I'll have a beer for you 26 yrs and counting...
  10. on the road though 0 i think that's the point he's trying to make...
  11. As you say, JB - the debate starts again. I don't know what (which company/designer/britney spears) to believe, and as I've never ridden a carbon bike (much to my displeasure) I can't pass judgement. However, could it be that due to the increased lightness (perceived or otherwise) might contribute to the view that the frame absorbs more vibrations? After all - a 10kg monster will hit a pothole alot harder (okay - not THAT much) than a sub 6.5 superlight-weighter due to momentum, gravity etc... Could it also be due to the fact that most Carbon bikes are monocoque whereas Alu & Ti bikes r welded, hence the load will be transferred more evenly over the whole frame? I dunno... and until I have ridden 2 bikes of the same weight, with the tires inflated to the same pressure, with the same spec, 1 alu 1 carbon, i will not be able to pass judgement...
  12. i like oiling nipples... makes them look SO much better. And helps extend the life span. seriously though... a bit of oil never hurt, and you can also use graphite powder for even better lubrication (not on real nipples, mind... could be interesting to say the least) on non chain-related parts. And after a bit of time those pivot points etc will need a bit of help for all the work they've done... As a rule, i oil everything that has a possibility of breaking down due to extensive use and friction... (oh dear - just opened another can of worms, didn't I?) Just don't do it after every ride!!!
  13. Now this is what Bush probably heard when he said that the inhabitants of Iraq were screaming for liberation! Someone, help this bike!!!
  14. Race has nothing to do with it. Previously disadvantaged people could be white, black, coloured, indian or any of the other typecast races. It just so happens that most of these guys are black - that has nothing to do with the way they ride. The people on this forum are expressing their disdain of the DEVELOPMENT Riders. Not BLACK riders. Or COLOURED riders. Or ANY race at all. Don't let the fact that the majority of riders on these teams are "of colour" cloud your vision - they still need to learn respect, and be shown the right way to ride etc. You get white kids that are just as lippy, and just as disrespectful of other people as these guys are - I personally would take this stance no matter the colour of these laaities. And you know what? We'd still be taken to pieces. Except that instead of being accused of being racist, we'd be castigated because the guys are now "too young to know any better" and we should be lenient on them. Lenient my friggin ar5e! I'd belt them no matter their colour, and expect their coaches to drill the basic ettiquette into them, and stop riding like pr$cks. End of the line - they need tutoring, and part of that tutelage must deal with respect, common courtesy and all that that entails. Just because they're development riders, it does not mean that they're entitled to free reign. Regardless of colour. Grow up.cptmayhem2009-01-13 05:40:57
  15. same here with me & my girlfriend... she's gaining lean muscle tissue, but stays the same weight - and can now fit into an old pair of jeans... whereas i just have so much to lose around the belly, the muscle I put on is outweighed by what i lose around the gut...
  16. He's not included for the simple fact that he is the Superhero's superhero. Some say that his voice can only be heard by cats, and that he is banned from the city of Chichester. All we know is... he's called The Stig.
  17. heffalumps, that's funny! He does have style though, i must admit. Although, i don't think i could admire a guy 12 inches tall whose job it is to polish wood all day...
  18. And for all those who don't know why this poll is here, this is what he's done to today's late issue of The Star...
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