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Posts posted by Octavian

  1. I'm not following the thought process behind this... (Unless there isn't any...) How can you compare salaries between cyclists that aren't even connected? It surely stands to reason though that friends in a peer group will more than likely be earning around the same salary as you share common interests etc? Not like a doctor is going to socialise with a Bergie... (Extreme generelisation I know...)


    Unless this is a dick swinging contest...


    Anyway I voted.


    Not dick swinging. It is anonymous.


    Curious that's all. Sure many others are curious as well.

  2. He must pay the bill first...or put down a retainer???

    Advice only afterwards...


    How's about we start a little fund for legal aid?? Any donations...


    No, I think he has it covered. I think he has gone for that R1 a day option where you can call "your lawyer" anytime during 8 to 5.


    Is that supposed to be an insult? I have captured a screenshot in case you edit the post as is your wont. If you do anything (and I mean ANYTHING) we don't like my mouse is poised over the send button to JGR's lawyer (and mum - one and the same thing)... :devil:


    Just report him for encitement.

  4. With all the screenshots Eccentric has amassed he DEFINITELY qualifies as a "photographer"!


    Lets all make screenshots of him actually calling people clickheads. His post were directly aimed at you on the forum, not his "theoretical" family.

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