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Posts posted by Octavian

  1. I would recommend the following, based on previous experience and extensive research:


    Superglue works using a crystalisation process. An easy, but not well know method of separating the bonding crystals formed is by means of sound waves. Use a set of earphones at full blast and move it over the bonded spot until you can feel it coming loose. It may take up to half an hour or more.

  2. Question is:


    What will team selection look like against a relatively weak Scotland.


    Lambie will get another run after an average performance last night.

    Juan should start.



    I agree. Krusty the clown should also be dropped from fullback.




    Your path has merged with the truth.

    But yet you refuse to see it

    It's easier to be afraid, to be deceived, to be a sheep

    Be aware, question them, question yourself

    Because once you see it, you can never look away


    Every man's

    Horizon can change

    But eternal skies

    Will always stay the same


    Like a new sun arises from winter's cold and dark grave, it's unstoppable.


    Keep your twisted beliefs

    Sons and Daughters of Dawn are calling me


    The fire that burns my flesh

    Shall light up the words I've said

    The curse on my innocent name

    Shall put all of your in shame


    Woe to the man

    Who disheartens the few

    Who reach for the light

    Who searches for the truth


    I only have just one more wish

    That this torch will be passed onto someone sentient like you

    When your time comes, don't lose your heart

    Have faith and patience and trust in the flame before passing it onto someone new


    Ok, you got me there... I can't find any lyrics that supposedly mean something, but prove nothing...

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