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Posts posted by Octavian

  1. Octavian


    If you play a very fast paced game the big guys will run out of steam quicker than the smaller guys. The smaller guys will have more stamina. I am not saying the whole backline must be small though. But generally your 10, 11 and 13 should be smaller I believe. Andre Joubert was not a big guy and look at how well he played at 15. I would like my backline players at between 1.8 and 1.9 meters tall and between 80kgs and 95kgs in weight.


    I agree with what you say. All I am saying is that if you make the whole back line smaller, then it's a bad thing. There's a reason why Japan will never be a rugby super power.


    I will take a team of 15 Jean de Villiers' anyday above a team of 15 Pat Lambie's even though I am a Pat Lambie fan.


    There is a place for smaller more agile players, but on average it shouldn't be your whole team.



    HM has the same attitude about player size and look how k@k the backline is.


    My attitude isn't 100% the same as his. I agree there are some smaller players whose skill negates their size, and they should be given a chance, but when your whole back line is 10cm shorter and 20 kg's lighter than the opposing team, then I suspect you are in for a hiding on most cases. There's a reason why large guys excel at rugby and not at cross country running.


    It's a fine balance that needs to be maintained...

  3. Aplon can take down a Kershner or Pieterson with ease. Not so easy for them to bring down Aplon, they must catch him 1st.


    Luckily they have 14 other people to help. Sure, if you were playing on a 1km x 1km field, but not in the confines of a rugby field.



    The pitbull won`t be able to catch the whippet. The whippet can easily catch the pitbull, and bring him down.


    A whippet bring down a pitbull? Have you ever seen the two next to each other? The pitbull will run for kilometers with the whippet trying to "tackle" it. Its also why Brian Mitchell never fought Tyson. He would have died in the ring.


    Put 15 Pitbull and 15 Whippets in a 100m x 50m field. Assuming the Pitbulls don't fight each other. At the end of 80 minutes there won't be any walking Whippets left.


    In the context of rugby size does matter.



    The coach is useless he must just go away.


    And? Whats the problem? Aplon, DeJong, and Elton are brilliant defenders. For the forwards it`s about brawn, but for backs it`s more about technique.


    I am not 100% sure though when it comes to size. I would pick a bigger guy every time, all else equal. It's like having a 30kg pitbull vs. a 20 kg pitbull. On average the bigger dog will win.



    Yeah, move Lambie to fullback. Elton @ 10, Aplon on wing, De Jong @ centre. They will run any team deurmekaar.


    I don't think the coach will allow that. The back line will be way to small then. None taller than 1.8m. Except JP of course...

  7. Our coach must be shown the door...


    As a side note, I cringed at how white the team was. Normally players of colour are there not on merit, but yesterday there was at least two players of color that were wrongfully left out of the team...

  8. Many of the greats have been caught doping, even the great Eddy Merckx, he was given a 2nd chance! In fact as far as I know he was only punished with a time penalty! We all make mistakes in life and need 2nd chances to prove our real character! Food for thought!


    A leopard doesn't change it's spots. It's like going back to your wife after she pomped another man. Trust can never be restored...


    Caster may still compete... wink.png but yes, she is a prime example of an attempt to define "normal human" and her attempts to conform to that

    Are epileptics are allowed to drive (even normal cars?) safety reasons...?

    Well, if he can get a TUE for it('out of competition'/monitoring/dosages) why not?


    I am am not a doctor, but if casters balls are removed, won't his testosterone decrease to that of a woman?


    Apparently in olden days (Boer War era) the Boers fed their horses some dagga with their lucern to improve their endurance. Perhaps it is good for human endurance also, but I can't see it improving the competitive spirit at all.


    My uncle was in the Rhodesian SAS and he told us that before a contact they would all smoke some weed. I can imagine it calms the nerves in a stressful situation like that...



    The pups are into socks at the moment. They also have tried to get into fetch with the big woofs, but they can't quite hold the tennis balls yet.


    My girl, Dakota also was, and still is into socks. Problem is that she started swallowing them whole, only to puke them out a day later. So, as you can imagine, now we need to hide all socks!

  12. Nice pics, Octavian! That's, er, dogged determination.


    Must set up something similar for the pups!


    Some dogs love it. My girl loves playing with any kind of toy, whereas my boy isn't so much into toys, but he loves a good wrestle, or any type of rough fighting game...

  13. Now THAT thing broke my heart. Losing to better side on the day like in the last 2 Currie Cup finals, you just got to take on the chin, but that Super 14 final will burn forever in the hearts of Sharks everywhere.


    Yes, that was very sad. The Sharks were definitely the better side that day...

  14. Hahaha! Hence the "crap, it's cold in here today..." comments!


    And the one guy that always dresses in the corner with his back to everyone. Contrast that to the Zulu guy, butt naked, standing in the middle of the change room with his on foot on the bench, while talking on the cell-phone!


    Once asked the Zulu dude if he steals petrol with that thing....he just glared at me...

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