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Posts posted by Octavian

  1. Bring me your F1, your MotoGP, your Superkart, your WRC, DH WC, World Speed Record holders, etc etc, and weigh the okes balls. These okes would come out with stones orders of magnitude heavier & larger than each of these other disciplines.


    Not sure whether it is courage or a lack of brain cells....

  2. one thing bugs me with this pic, it would have had to have been a long exposure to get that lighting and the stars. even with a strobe lighting the cyclist, im quite sure you would see some motion blur, unless of course photoshop was used to overlay and make the image


    Yes, I suspect it is a manufactured picture.... Unless you have the worlds best camera, or a camera that hasn't been invented yet...

  3. http://www.shockmansion.com/wp-content/myimages/2009/11/jump5a293126e5d5.gif?b1f7f4


    ""The roof-to-roof building gap you see here is from a ninth story, down to a fifth story. That equals out to being about 11 meters high and 7 meters across.""


    I wonder why I was hoping that he doesn't make it....

  4. Help me understand this... Re-useable pods need to be filled with ground coffee. After the coffee has been brewed, you need to empty the pods and wash then in order for them to fall within the realm of re-usability. Why not just buy a domestic espresso machine and be done with it? Seems like the same amount of effort at the end of the day.


    First prize is coffee to my liking in some other pod that works in a Nespresso machine...

  5. That can't be good... I must admit to never having tried Nespresso. More of a manual coffee person. Nespresso never appealed to me based on cost per cup.


    Yes it is expensive, and in my opinion(taste) the coffee is average, that's why I am looking for alternative pods, or pods that I can fill with the coffee that I like.

  6. We have bought a Nespresso machine, but I am not mad about the coffee. I have been drinking filter coffee for years now, so I would like to think I know a nice coffee when I taste it...


    Does anyone know of alternative pods that can be used in the Nespresso machine? I heard somewhere that their patent is expiring/or has expired...

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