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Everything posted by -Az-

  1. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a254/Delta_Rat/Web/2012-12-26040.jpg
  2. I'll see if I can squeeze an extra marshal out of the last of our 2012 budget , just in case there is a break
  3. He seems to be one of the doomsday prophets, one of those "it's not good enough" types. He'll soon be lobbying for CM to employ BEE guidelines on it's rides & getting himself lost in the past and stressed out about stuff (because he wants to suffer for his art and he can prove he knows how to feel as long as it's angst or discontent.) All the while hundreds/thousands(?) of riders, of all demographics, in all major centres will be having an absolute blast, enjoying the ride, the company and just like Batman, the night.
  4. That's horrific to hear. I only have the info I was given by the TB board.
  5. Ali from CycleLab has confirmed that two riders were hit by a drunk driver this morning in the Cradle One has a broken pelvis and the other sustained a broken neck. Wishing the guys a speedy recovery and lots of strength to them & their loved ones.
  6. Someone call? Slowbee... shoot me a mail Az at thinkbike.co.za
  7. Just goes to show that they won't change their minds..
  8. Congrats to all You guys need to let the (any) Marshal know, we try hard but sometimes miss these things with everything else going on.
  9. Hope you came right. I lost my phone due to the weather. (water proof turns out to be not even close to water resistant)
  10. Congratuwelldone to all of you those well some conditions to remember
  11. Yup, we'll be there See you on the road?
  12. I'll keep your number just in case but I don't think I'll be finished in time to hit the airport so early.
  13. I think the forum software adds a thread automatically when you add an event to the calender.
  14. Just remember... I can give you a waterproof marshal
  15. Noooooo, bring back the MkII, that was what "made" the bike for me.
  16. -Az-

    2012 94.7

    I'm not sure yet, no info other than his health has been released. Whoa that's horrible I hope everyone involved is ok.
  17. -Az-

    2012 94.7

    His name is Willem. He has multiple breaks in one leg, a dislocated wrist and sore ribs. He's been taken to Olivedale, they'll be operating on him tonight.
  18. Great ride y'all Just doing what we do you are very welcome!
  19. 100% Busy picking out a bike as we speak
  20. That's what I heard. I'd believe it based on crash helmet research like SuperSkin
  21. I've heard a few interpretations of the MP3 and go/pro rules. Try these ones... A go-pro protruding from a helmet could cause extra leverage during a collision, putting extra pressure on the neck and causing greater injury. An audio device can be used by an athlete to "pace" themselves over extended distances and thus gain an unfair advantage.
  22. Guys & gals that is a really awesome gesture but... Since MTN came on as a communication partner we have had a small budget to be able to offer our volunteer marshal services here & there. I will make sure that Stan is reimbursed for his expenses from the MTN budget and if no-one has a problem with it, I would like you to donate your collection to http://www.thehubsa....anking-updated/
  23. Sorry mate, we're not allowed, (train of responsibility, liability etc)
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