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Sitting slip

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  1. Hi Guys, What would you guys consider as Stage race essentials? Bar a decent bike and bib and good team mate who can handle his drink in the evening.
  2. UCI rule is that gravel bikes are only allowed to do half the race
  3. Check out Haval and Mahindra. really great spec for your buck and will pick up basically new models for your price bracket.
  4. If the technology is there to use lets use it. I know i am wrong but listen me out here: To me anything that is Performance enhancing must be banded then. 12 speed bikes should go then. Your supplements on and off the bike that enhances your performance should go then. . If epo and the lot is performance enhancers why not use it? if you can build a safe bike as light as you want allow it. If we want to use stuff in our bottles to make us race harder faster or recover better why not use the best stuff!
  5. Guys g check out Warframe. plippen epic
  6. I have waited many years for the carbon hardtail!!!!!
  7. The Pipeline of South African Cricket is masked by selling dreams to players who know they are not good enough but willing to play for the nice pay check. Vision 2019 is an excuse to field players that writes letters to governing bodies about opportunities but cant handle opportunity at the lower level of play. we are playing at 40% while the other 60% plays overseas. If players turn their back on you and win games somewhere else you are losing out not them. There is a lot of money put to develop young players but they players don't want to get to the top because then they can fail. playing franchise cricket or first class cricket keeps them in teams longer with guarantee play,income and free accommodation and student fees. a csa contract for them is the end of the road. so why get better? Vision2019 needs to revised to a more honest and realistic approach.
  8. No suprize here. Dropped a coach with a great record a 2 years ago. after that the new coach made us fight for world cup contention and now this. go figure.
  9. Into season 5 of Shameless. its roff.
  10. i can confirm about the mumbai part. drive past the beaches daily and it has a full dirty nappy smell if the wind blows your way.
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