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Everything posted by BarHugger

  1. The topic says...."everything you need to know"....you will have to stomach all of it.....
  2. Harry...let me ask the same....is this just another post for you....are you actually going to read what I type here.....I doubt it.......because I have said numerous times now I did not take the watch.....I have said a few times for me this is beyond smoothies and a watch......it's about a company with no scruples.....it's about claiming to use a thesis from one foundation and then contradicting that same foundation with their percentage scale.....it's beyond free stuff for a pisser like myself.......
  3. To my logic I think Nathrix would see the playing field as equal if all proper systems were in place....each individual was catered for using proper algorithms....perhaps sending each Vitality member for a test to see if their heart revs high or low and then applying a different table for each.......at the moment it looks like a "good for one is good for all" and we are all really different......
  4. But why should people change their device usage to accommodate Discovery......as I read they are there to benefit their members....not the other way around ?
  5. Please calm down.....it was not meant to be patronising....you posts are coming across as very biased towards Discovery giving the impression of personal interest......you seem to become steadily more angry as we are walking this road....I ask simple questions......ones you didn't answner and then answered again......you keep referring to this "paltry" amount.......then tell me why they are making life so difficult for their members ? Are they prepared and quite happy to get as many cancellations as possible in time to come just so they can simplify their own administration.......and make more profits ? You keep talking of how they "benefit" their members.....the Discovery most of us knew a year or so back gave that impression....the Discovery we see now is giving a very different view of what customer relations are meant to be...... Quite a simple process really.......a host of unhappy clients.... make a choice......seems like Discovery have indeed made their choice.....and very little of it actually benefits the customer.....let's not even star delving in to the horrors stories of medical bills they are NOT paying.....life insurance pay outs where they pay as little as they can because their T's and C's tell them they can.....seems to me the days of ethical insurance companies have come and gone......
  6. Myles.....I have enjoyed your contributions and all your valuable help within this thread.....but your are just a broker and it's starting to sound like you may have an interest in protecting the integrity of Discovery.....are you saying they are befitting financially from people being more active ? You say the watch....smoothie and gym discounts are paltry ? Then why is it so hard for Discovery to listen to all the complaints.....why is it so difficult for them to understand that they need to keep their clients happy....why do they contradict themselves as they do.....why are they dictating to elite level athletes to train according to their plan.....why....why.....why......a few of many questions unhappy Discovery members have brought forward......
  7. Every single one of them ? It reads heart rate from a tub of Vaseline.....an apple.....a desk........maybe it's just not a good heart monitor to begin with..... A few puzzling questions.....if Discovery want nothing to do with it.....why did they get involved in the first place..... If you reach all your goals after 24 months.....who is out of pocket....
  8. But now Myles.......I ask the question once again......when you reach your goal every single week for the contract period.....who pays for the watch ? As for marketing....no they never marketed the actual device.....but they keep marketing it as a fitness device....massive billboards all over Gauteng......
  9. You say that.....but they will claim they "did not supply the device" I think they may have some trouble coming.....I did not see the details and all the T's and C's....did they market it as a device to accurately measure your heart rate to help you reach your Vitality target ? If so the inaccuracy of the device and it's inability to prove itself as a sturdy fitness device would then lead to having been misled.....and now they say it's between Apple and the watch wearers to sort it out.....will Apple have a recall and replace all the units ? Interesting days ahead from what I can see.....
  10. Myles....be fair....I have come back to it twice....reason being that is exactly what it looks like from an outsiders perspective.....but Myles.....it would help you understand average heart rate percentages a bit better......I highlighted the one sentence for you......now Li Mu explained it quite beautifully by explaining warm up and cool down.....pro athletes don't train for 30 minutes at a time.....most avid cyclists don't train for that time period either....they train for more extended periods....some athletes have high revving engines and others lower revving engines.....now Tubehunter ( an no I didn't opt for the Vaseline heartbeat machine) says one should go a little harder for 30 minutes and voila.....not so easy if you have a proper warm up and cool down segment within your session.......it really boils down to an average and it's an average over a certain time period which will be different to each and every individual......now Discovery claim they are using the information as received from the American Heart Association.....maybe they should stop lying to their clients and shifting goal posts to protect themselves...... Discovery saying that Elite level athletes should adjust their training to accommodate their points system........well enough said of the integrity of this organisation......
  11. Why would I need any motivation......there are Pro athletes that won't make the 1200 goal......it really is all about the watch.....quite laughable too seeing how Discovery realised......ooooooh k@k that is a lot of watches to pay for....oh yes I remember my motivation now.......I am wearing Apple watches like arm warmers this winter.......15 per arm......
  12. And when you do.....who pays Apple for the device.....Discovery....how do you get out of it......move the goalposts whilst the okes are skopping for the pale.......
  13. Forgive me.....I simply highlighted two brilliant sentences out of what is a brilliant post.....but some rubbers here can do a race for 2h30 at 80 % and boast about it here on a Monday......what you said here is really what it boils down to.....some here want a full thesis because they are too lazy to do their own research.......in the end of the day your post lays out very plainly as to where the system is failing.....is it safe to say that the Hubbers who reach their gaols so easily are ......fat and unfit LOL ​I just threw that in there to make this Monday feel like Friday..........
  14. This is interesting : http://www.fastcompany.com/3055198/fast-feed/a-class-action-suit-claims-fitbit-devices-inaccurately-measure-heart-rate A device that gets a heart rate from a tub of vaseline......being sold by a medical aid who claims it can be used to accurately record here rate......I would not be surprised you tun out to be right......
  15. I told you......you are the one person I refuse to communicate with........your highly followed poll has all the answers.......
  16. It wasn't a sarcastic question.....neither was it to belittle you......I just sense you don't quite have a deep understanding of healthy and acceptable levels to train at......you might think you are benefiting now but we all get older.......
  17. Just a thought......are you qualified for educated in the workings if the human body and acceptable heart rate levels to be trained at ?
  18. It's quite an accepted standard by medical professionals and foundations worldwide........the 50-69 % zone is always seen as moderate......Discovery have decided to set a new standard......and who are they really in the medical field.......a nobody...... But ja.....let the Discovery fans keep praising them whilst the rest get seen as Walter Mitty's and google experts.....on the bright side.......Mr. Gore won an award.......a year ago.......
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