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Everything posted by MWdeJager

  1. Nee jou NAR. Ek het wel per ongeluk vir Helicobacter ingesluk en gerook op dieselfde stadium van my lewe. Toe moet ek daai dik swart pyp met die kamera sluk, en toe moes ek daai R500 per maand antacid en R1000 se Antibiotic sluk, en nou lyk dit of ek 'n medical journal ingesluk het.... OK I see where your coming from
  2. Thug' date=' you need to be specific, because between those legs you can be two types of bear, a Pooh Bear... No need to explain where you'd be, or a Panda Bear, eats shoots and leaves! [/quote'] very good one Pantani
  3. Dankie Marius, nou moet ek my vrek skrik elke keer wat een van Fatty se posts into view scroll.
  4. Oh' date=' I got some Gaviscon, think I'll try it out tonight, thx Cyclemania!![/quote'] Dude, bakterie? in jou maag??? WTF??? Daar is net een soort bakterie? wat in jou maag lewe en dis "Helicobacter Pailorie" (don't quote me on the spelling please). This stuff cause ulcers and there are Atibiotics to cure you from it. Trust me you don't have it. Jou maagsappies (Soutsuur/Hydrochloric acid) maak niks aan die Helicobacter nie en verder veroorsaak die goed excessive maagsuur. Add that to a bad valve between your esofagus and your tummy and presto, you've got chronic heart burn. R500 a month neutralises your stomach acid completely leaving you vulnerable to eating bacteria that could make you very ill. (Stomach acid kills all the bad bacteria SEE) Oh one more thing. Nicotene cause the valve in your esofagus to not work that well, that's why many smokers suffer from heartburn. Just a thought. I will not use antacid indescriminately just 'cause a Hubber recomended it for a sore throat.
  5. I think thats just Marius' spelling starting to fade agian...
  6. Set of jumper leads walked into a bar. Bouncer: "Hey, don't start anything!" Bikemax that goes for you too...
  7. Konafan is net jaloers op jou obviously superiour condition M. Hou nou op om 'n seer keel met 'n verkoue te verwar. Gaan dokter toe, en kry medisyne vir daai seer keel. Hulle kan dit genees jy weet! Antibiotika=Baterie? dood. Hulle kan niks aan 'n verkoue doen nie, net die simptome miskien 'n bietjie verlig.
  8. - M jou
  9. Marius, maak toe jou mond voor die hele Hub vol cr#$%p is. Lab rats or not, the Metropolitan team is only good for 6h30 to 7h00 at best. The first 7 teams last year did a sub 6 hour DC. Die Met-train sal nie daai kan doen nie, sorry ou maat...
  10. I think you use some sort of sealant to glue the "pieces" together and then inflate the whole thing, I mean wife. But don't quote me on this 'cause I have no experience re this kind of wife
  11. Nee M, SPANNER klink tappit!
  12. Ek dink Loodjie is net nog een van Marius se ailiases. Jy kan dit duidelik aan die spelling/grammar sien. OK M, so waar moet ek jou byt?
  13. Good point Bikemax, and like I said: I'll be the first to admit that I was the a$$hole to even suggest that he quit SV racing. From where I stand it does not look as if Marius is enjoying his cyling as much as he used to. I guess time will tell whether that is ever going to change. Maybe I'm just missing riding funrides with him.
  14. Well MW you are obviously the expert in league racing so I guess we will just have to leave it at that.. Bikemax are you sure you're quoting the right post dude. Sarcasm is only any good if you use it wisely. My inexperience at league racing has nothing to do with what Marius says after a race. In Marius' own words: "Ek ry flatout en ek breek nie eens weg van die SV bunch af nie dude!". I think Marius is the only expert at how well he is really doing in SV.
  15. Does Marius pay you extra for all this BS encouragement??? Or is it justs a perk for him gutting himself for the "BM" team??? Kilo, you've been annoying all morning! Why now all of a sudden do you start talking sence
  16. I don't think that it has only been limited to this year. Nah, it's only since Bikemax convinced Marius that he's League material, that his results has turned shocking. Before the Argus I was riding with Marius in the "FUN"-rides every weekend and we had lots of fun. He was riding very well and improving hand over fist. If Marius never makes it in league racing, it will not be because he did not try. That said, I think he's out of his league (excuse the pun) riding in SV. But he's still hopefull because Fatty and Bikemax keeps telling him that proper training will get him there.
  17. Homer, as die wheelsuckertjie kon bybly by die Met-Train tot aan die voet van Helshoogte, en toe vir my en Riaan drop soos niks, dan belowe ek jou hy steek lelik lyf weg. Hy is op pad na 'n "C" of beter seeding teen die spoed van wit lig, dis net sad om te sien hy sal niks self doen voor die groot bult nie... Considering sy tactic voor Helshoogte en sy finish time, is ek seker hy het na Helshoogte weer gesit en f#$&all doen. Maar dis net my opinie en jy weet wat Clint van opinies s?
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