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Little Fish

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Everything posted by Little Fish

  1. Latest link to Ian J's fb post from sunset today. We met up with him & Ruby in Delta this evening to introduce her to my 3 lunatics on neutral turf. That girl has a one track mind....LOVE....it comes before anything. So while she appreciated the sniffs & wags from my crew, she was really more interested in meeting her new mom. It was love at first sight with my mom (who is Ruby's new mom) bursting into tears as soon as she saw her. Just as Tumbles had always wanted a St Bernard, so has my mom. We traipsed around the park for a while as a herd, with Ruby randomly flopping onto her back for tickles along the way. So she is now safe & sound, running around my garden with her cousins & my mom will drive her home to PE on Monday. (yes she drove up especially to fetch her) Her first toy was ready & waiting for her at the house https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10155210215228982&id=664973981&comment_id=10155210367413982&notif_t=mentions_comment&notif_id=1490371157949493
  2. Do you remember when you disappeared from this thread without warning & I was convinced you had been eaten by a shark?
  3. Do you know I think it was a combination of this one & maybe the Pets one? If I remember correctly it came about from a mistake game of Hub Cluedo where I thought Tumbles had a gnome on his desk? And then didn't his house seem empty without a gnome? So he had to have a box of gnomes delivered to his office by stalkers? And aren't you absolutely correct that Mons owned this thread? I think she came from nowhere? And will you believe that yesterday she commented on a photo I posted of Tumbles on Facebook? I think its fair to say that it made me happy to see her name there?
  4. Can I say that reading this thread again has brought back such good laughs? And that this post above made me smile? Will everyone at Grapes please look out for a stray Goldie that drinks beer please?
  5. Are you two serious???? Can I mention this was one of my favourite threads when I joined the Hub?
  6. You are so missed. You were so loved. All the love you gave to others over the years, is reflected in the devastation we all feel today.
  7. I have never been so glad to have something that I'd forgotten about. I remember it so clearly now, Tumbles was adamant that I must receive it...he tried whats app, my work email & eventually my gmail, until he got it right. Little did he know how much it would mean to me today. My heart is completely broken, but I couldn't be more grateful to have had him as a friend.
  8. Pizza & Beer? That doesn't sound like hubbers at all
  9. WOW - Ian this really lifted my spirits seeing them happy & healthy instead of traumatized & confused. You absolutely made the right decision for them. To get them away from the house & keep them all together in a nice environment. Thank you, thank you, thank you.... And may I just point out that even her grumpy ladyship Jules is getting in on the love & treats. Amazing!!! Scar is just a total goof trouper - I think Tumbles would be so touched that out of all the woofs, Scar was the one guarding the ground where his clothes were cut off.
  10. My all time favourite photo of Tumbles & Tumbles. I've posted it a few times over the years, absolute love between those two.
  11. I think we can all do with a bit of cheering up today. Earlier I was going through Tumble's facebook messages to me & through my tears I managed to laugh out loud at his own description of himself doing a ladies race before my time on the Hub... I don't think he will mind me sharing it to get a small smile out of his Hub friends. There were also a lot of tears shed over the many messages of support & hugs sent back & forth between us over the years since he became my first Hub friend. I think he is probably everyone's first Hub friend. Photo credit to Gremlin who dug out the photo for me after I mentioned the race on fb.
  12. Fight. Please just fight my friend. You've helped so many of us fight our own battles. Please. Just fight. ????
  13. Oh Stretch, I'm so, so, so sorry to see this. Its absolutely devastating - I don't even know what to say. I know how much you loved that little guy. Thinking of you guys.
  14. There is a FB page called English & French Bulldog Rescue South Africa They don't often come up for adoption, but there is a girl called Crystal who needs a home now. She is 5 but has to be an only pet. Very pretty though.
  15. I cant believe you didn't take a photo!!!
  16. You two have just made my day - I'm completely hysterical (literally tears running down my cheeks) .....Those are HILARIOUS. The comments are killing me!!! New guy in the office is staring at me as I sit here trying to control the laughter escaping from me.
  17. OMG!!! I can smell the wet dog from here!!!!!Tumbly one, how is Dame Jules doing this week my friend?
  18. I would say #evanisfamiliarwithfishpouting #evanstartedthetrend #thisisanoldphoto #aheadofthetimes
  19. That is classic!!! It needs to be framed. Our little "Sin Nombre" is a real little character!
  20. Excellent - Ive been waiting for this
  21. #itsathingofbeauty #hubmagic #alwaysatwist
  22. This is a great, great day for #TheBikeHub but especially our #liftselfiethread and #whatwouldevandohashtag The fact that #thelegendofevansselfies has spread so far & wide that a previously unknown #bikehubber has become an #instantbikehublegend and has immortalized both this thread, and himself goes to show that that this thread appeals to many previously unknown legends. #thebikehubisnotdead a new generation has been born & #nowthereishope for many future classic threads. From one hub stalker to another #welldoneryanaw #perfectlyexecutededmoment. #thebarhasbeenraised But let's take a moment to appreciate #theironyissogreat we mocked #evan for acting like he is #famous and in the process of mocking #wemadeevanfamousforreal. Hahahahaha!!!! #thisiswhythebikehubisgreat #ilovethisplace #whatwouldevando
  23. Oh Purleeease.... #evansdadshair totes trumps my flower!
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