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Everything posted by ScottCM

  1. Welcome to the not so dark side 😎 Best of luck for the event, please post a race report afterwards.
  2. Comrades = 40days = min dae. How is everyone's training going? Best of luck to anyone still needing to qualify at Wally tomorrow or this weekend?
  3. For those running Oceans this weekend, how is the taper going? Any phantom injuries? What is everyone's goals for the event?
  4. Always lovely to hear of positive vibes. Nicely done bud.
  5. Oi that's no good. Sorry to hear that bud. Wishing you a speedy recovery. If not and you are forced to walk it (the 100km event), I might join you for company.
  6. Shot in the dark here, does anyone know where in SA I can get a pair of Alphafly 1 not the 2 in woman UK size 8 or 8.5 or 9? Edit: It doesn't have to be in SA, my sister whom they are for is in SA but I can ship it to her from anywhere.
  7. Sorry to hear that bud. Back in 2018, the weekend after completing my first full IM (which was in April) I ran a club training run of 21km and I was so far back that I though to myself that there was no way I was going to achieve a Bill Rowan. I subsequently sold my entry for substitution. I still clearly remember sitting on the couch Comrades morning watching everyone on the tellie and thinking to myself that my legs were in great shape and I wish i didn't sell my entry as at worst I would at least still have finished. Nevertheless, roll on 6 years and life has happened and I haven't been able to enter the big C since. Just some food for thought from personal experience. Don't be to hard on yourself and know that there is still plenty of time.
  8. Happy new year all. What are your running goals for the year? How many are do Comrades, Oceans, UTCT, etc?
  9. Best running news of the year https://www.irunfar.com/world-trail-majors-global-trail-running-series-announced
  10. Any full ironman is a qualifier as long as you complete it. #Justsaying
  11. ScottCM


    Yip, been here coming on up to two years and still haven't been able to get tickets to a game for a reasonable price.
  12. Safe travels to all making their way to Comrades. I'll be on route by Westville boys High on Sunday cheering everyone on.
  13. With less than 300m (Website says 99m but GPX file says 290m) of vert you could set a new course record. Current record is 07:06
  14. Glasgow2Edinburgh 56miles is on 7th October ..... just saying
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