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Everything posted by ScottCM

  1. I just got my Momsen 29'er, 2014 model. As i am not going to do 20hours a week worth of training but still want to be able to enjoy my ride, i can not for a single second say a bad thing about it. I've never enjoyed my time on a bike as much as i have since i got this beauty. so for me +1, 29'er Momsen!!
  2. check this 2014 bike out, i got mine two weeks ago, absolutely awesome bike http://www.momsenbikes.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=254:al229-2014&Itemid=1102
  3. Ask Cycle Factory, if they dont do trade ins at least they will give you proper advise without trying to take you for a ride like your LBS
  4. Did you get a bike? I'm extremely fortunate to have received my Momsen AL229 2014 on friday, man o man she is a killer, i love this bike!!
  5. post pics once complete or as the process goes along
  6. Yeah i'm still smiling from ear to ear. Listen would anyone know if there would be any legal implications if i get a cycling shirt made/branded with Momsen and Cycle Factory's logo's and names on? i would like to wear this shirt when i do races to try ands give a bit of publicity back to them for all their help in this regard.
  7. A Few more photo's from Jokerman. The Bike , Gloves, Shorts and Helmet all thanks to all of you!!
  8. My boys and i in the veld for our first ride together The eldest (6) isn't doing to bad for his age and he was smiling from ear to ear yesterday when we were able to share this ride together, and you guys made thatr possible, THANK YOU, you guys are truely amazing
  9. The Bike as a whole before hitting the trails yesterday
  10. Morning Guys Just want to let youy know that the handover happened yesterday at Reitvlei, Jokerman has all the photo's and will be posting them soon, as i havent seen them either i'm excited too. Unfortunately Jokerman had a niggle in his back, nothing serious but didn't want to chance damaging it propperly so we didn't go for a ride together. I did however go by myself as i just had to get out there for the first time. All i can say is "WICKED" The bike is WICKED Single track is WICKED MTB'n is WICKED i need a lot of saddle time as my ass is sore and i'm totally unfit. my skill and technique level is non-existent and i sereiously need to improve on that as i'm going way to fast and then have to brake heavily to correcty my line. Here are two pics i toke though, a close up of the bike with the MOMSEN DESIGN bottle cages and thge CYCLE FACTORY water bottles I'll leave the rest for Jokerman to post. Once again Thank you to each and every one of you
  11. Morning All Bike is still in transit at the moment , all pics will be uploaded on Monday morning firsty thing. Once again thanks to everyone involved.
  12. Morning all The Might Crow personally put the bike on the truck last night. So it should arrive here in Jhb tomorrow where Jokerman and i shall be waiting for the handover and the photo's. Once this has been done we shall upload the photos for all of you. Once again thanks to each and everyone of you that have made this dream come true.
  13. As much as i like all these bike racks that are available nowadays i just dont have the money for that, so this is my first attempt at making my own platform.
  14. Please keep us informed as our options for a good bike insurance seems to be getting limited
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