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Everything posted by ScottCM

  1. Sorry these have already been posted, i have gone through all 70+ pages but i might have missed a few.
  2. Shame dude, Who ever said there is no such thing as a STUPID question didn't receive this type of abuse before.
  3. Who cares, Wiggins is a prick, Froome wants no claim on us, yet we want to claim him, that is a one sided relationship just like, Mike Catt, KP, Andrew Struass, Alistair Cook, Johnathon Trott, Brad Barritt. We have enough proper local talent in our country that are proud of being South African, so lets rather FAME them!! Knights Armour Suit On
  4. Mark Cav 2nd so far with +4.2Sec, if not for a mistake could have been provisional 1st
  5. now that's a guy/kid that impressed me immensely in the tour. I think he will set new records if he doesn't waste his talent like my favorite Andy
  6. This makes me sick to the core, for some people the money that these "Companies" steal from the "Customers" have taken them months maybe even years to save up to be able to buy a desired item. @#$% YOU that try and rob people for their hard earned money! KARMA will get you one day! :cursing:
  7. nope, maybe someone else has, whats the website address so we can check it out
  8. I just got my Momsen 29'er, 2014 model. As i am not going to do 20hours a week worth of training but still want to be able to enjoy my ride, i can not for a single second say a bad thing about it. I've never enjoyed my time on a bike as much as i have since i got this beauty. so for me +1, 29'er Momsen!!
  9. check this 2014 bike out, i got mine two weeks ago, absolutely awesome bike http://www.momsenbikes.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=254:al229-2014&Itemid=1102
  10. Ask Cycle Factory, if they dont do trade ins at least they will give you proper advise without trying to take you for a ride like your LBS
  11. Did you get a bike? I'm extremely fortunate to have received my Momsen AL229 2014 on friday, man o man she is a killer, i love this bike!!
  12. post pics once complete or as the process goes along
  13. Yeah i'm still smiling from ear to ear. Listen would anyone know if there would be any legal implications if i get a cycling shirt made/branded with Momsen and Cycle Factory's logo's and names on? i would like to wear this shirt when i do races to try ands give a bit of publicity back to them for all their help in this regard.
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