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Everything posted by davem

  1. Garfield, all cats hate swimming. Are you different?
  2. No. Challenge International have withdrawn all support for the event. This event is dead and buried.
  3. Can CT organise a triathlon? Seems a high risk affair...maybe they should stick to sailing down there
  4. Just done the questionaire/survey about Bela Bela. Big ups on organisation and run course. Big downs on swim course, bike safety, waiting and hot bottles in transition. Suggested that if temps are so hot, they should have a special needs for bottles only as you exit T1.
  5. Hey Grips Timing mats wont work otherwise you could not overtake at a mat. Refereeing needs people. Good experienced people. How was NY? Time trial starts might be an option at Bela Bela. Are you riding tomorrow with Garf?
  6. Was our first CM this last Friday and left both of us with broad smiles. So many cool things,all probably previously mentioned. Will definitely be back. Did feel bad about the litter left on the street after the stop off. Perhaps some cardboard foldup dustbins would solve the issue at no significant cost. The Monster truck could probably bring them along.
  7. Yup. That is Kevin and Nikki Garwood.
  8. Want some inspiration: www.teamgarwood.co.za
  9. I am going. Not entered yet but definitely will be there. Love the vibe from the the week before until you get on the plane to go home. Good luck to everyone starting training for their first one.
  10. He may be half a leg short but he ain't disabled. Para triathlon has so many inspirational competitors. I believe it will be a Paralympic sport in Rio.
  11. Well, Garf looks like a round ginger cat. I have not entered yet, but when I do shortly, the entries will be looking really good.
  12. The race rules said you have to leave a gap of 10m. I took that to mean 10 minutes Garf.
  13. How much of the Midlands Ultra swim course in walkable? (just having a bit of fun) Anyone got a profile of the bike course? (serious question) Thinking about entering, need to redeem my honour after 5150.
  14. all is cool. We can all have a little make up cuddle at the next race.
  15. Hey Jiggy Thanks for calling me a whinger. Wasn't quite sure why I was feeling like this, you hit the nail on the head. For a moment I forgot I wasn't allowed an opinion of how much or little I enjoyed my day. Thanks for setting me straight. Silly me!
  16. Nishiki The particular stretch of road does not have a demarcated cycle lane. It has a reasonably broad yellow line. Strictly, you should cycle in the road in this area. There are also many pedestrians on this particular stretch who walk in the yellow line.Your assumptions and subsequent confrontational conclusion are incorrect.
  17. Ummm, maybe just have it somewhere else.
  18. So if the UCI and ASO honour their agreements and LA is stripped of his titles, what next? Does the top step of podium remain vacant? Will Jan Ulrich and the others who move up a step accept the promotion. I think the biggest FU would be if LA's peers didn't accept the promotion. They each know the truth about their own doping status and it would be hypocritical to accept that promotion.
  19. Well done on a great time Garfield. I must confess to not enjoying the race particularly much. The organisation was very good as to be expected from IMSA. The combination of a few things made the race (in my opinion) an unpleasant experience: The swim was a joke. The combination of siffy water, the ability to walk the swim course and the vortex effect made it silly. My swim time was probably 12 minutes faster than I would expect for the distance. It was impossible to actually swim due to the number of guys walking along to maximise the nice little whirlpool that got going. The heat and wind was just too unpleasant. Never seen so many people pushing their bikes up hills in a triathlon.The narrow road, motor vehicle traffic and blown over road cones made me come out of aero several times when going with the wind gusts, it was just not sensible. Going at 70kmh less than 1.5m away from guys struggling to go 10kmh and having to dodge road cones was idiocy. The road surface was also pretty unpleasant. I felt really sorry for the back marker ladies going out in the heat and wind in the last start, it must have got really lonely out there. The run was nice, great support and water points but by then the enjoyment was gone. To the xxxx who decided in the first km that its cool to swing to the right to go round a speed bump and almost switched me into the curb, don't do that! Ride on the left like you are supposed to and go over the speedbump. They dont bite. Spending 4-5 hours from registration to the race start is just stupid. Not being able to put cold water on your bike from 11h20 (transition close) to 13h15 (start) (more for later starts) meant your water was stupidly hot. Next time put coffee in your water bottles. Philosophically, we all had the same conditions and some made better of it than I did. This was not my favourite day of racing. It was nice to see some faces that I haven't seen in a while.
  20. Hi Garf Have registered interest. This sounds like a great experience. Did some investigation: Entry fee is USD190. Entries not open yet. Basically all flights from Joburg go to Dubai then a 2hr bus trip to AbuDhabi. Flights all seem about R6600, checked with Emirates, Etihad and SAA. My Discovery Vitality will give a R2k odd discount on the flight (WOW!) Bus looks about R400 each way. Seems like bus every half hour but still got to find out about depart and arrival places. Bike on bus questions need to be answered. Accommodation looks pricey. About R1500 per night (single) Didn't get pricing from Hilton yet. Just a dump of info found out to date. Thought I would share. Please anyone add if you know more.
  21. While Graeme Joffe touches on so many possibly valid points, his article is a rant rather investigative journalism. It makes it easy for the Gravy Trainers to dismiss him. I would like to know factual details. For example, the R400k. how many people attended 4 or 400, who was it for, what was the purpose, where was it held? Different answers will give us very different opinions on what actually transpired. Don't say that all the officials travelled first class and the athletes were in economy. Tell us the flight date, how many officials, how many in first class, how many athletes. Yes facts are boring but they do reveal a more accurate version of the truth. If he doesn't have the skills then pass the information on to someone who can do the proper investigative journalism.
  22. davem

    midmar mile

    Midmar is one of the best places for swimming. Water is warm and perfectly clean. Did the race once and the only disappointment was that it was over with so quickly. You start looking out at the far bank, so far away and next thing, you run out the water and go "What next" I want more"
  23. Garfield, why don't you join me at the AGM and you will be able to voice your concerns and ask the questions you need answered?
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