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Everything posted by Cyclewizz

  1. And they thought you were fast Let me know when you guys are doing the Circus/ Suikerbos ride, I'll join in.
  2. This is way too much math for a Thursday night. Eish...
  3. If you doing 90km loop/s, then I'm interested. I want manage 180km so it's no point in being stupid. What speed do you guys ride at ?
  4. WTF??? What info did they put on the fine ? No number plate, no licence, no ....
  5. Are you guys planning on doing 1 x 190km loop or 2 x 90km loop ?
  6. You guys are coming from PTA to ride in the south ? I know the routes here are popular but I never thought they would be this popular. Some guys are meeting at a small shopping centre in the south on Sunday and going for a 170km ride if you interested.
  7. Holy you still at it, doesn't the news stop after 7pm ??
  8. Park?? Take a ride there, nice warm up.
  9. I agree with Mampara, go for a 172.5mm
  10. Doping is just part of sports these days. I think there are only a few sports that are completely clean and cycling definetly isn't one of them. When Tour de France is on EPO is the popular choice and in the off season GH (rumour) is the popular choise.
  11. I agree with TNT1. Most pro or semi pro sports people have or are on 'juice'. I doubt he's the only SA cyclists doping. Do you think rugby players dope ???ER What about body builers ???
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