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Posts posted by eelvio

  1. I respect those other people (drivers) and realise how much it causes me discomfort when I drive (in a car) up behind a bunch of cyclists that seem hell bent on pissing drivers off and fear how much it irkes other drivers and what they may inadvertently do because of that when I am on my cycle riding single file.




    Not to mention the attitude if you so much as pass within 2m going over 40km/h or if you do give a gentle hoot to let them know you are coming or if they could offer you a little space to pass. Beware at the next stop if they catch up.

  2. I believe you were the one calling other people idiots, Noted and fixed within a minute as it was not called for.


    merely explaining the reason .


    Please tell me the difference between the two was I not merely explaining why I don't believe that it is a better way? So my opinion is forced onto you and the other was merely an explanation.


    Please guys I am not here for that rubbish. There is an issue at hand which I feel strongly about and if my input is worthless then let me know and Ill go back to a one liner here and there because I don't have enough posts to count as a cyclist.

  3. You don't know me from soap. You have no idea how I behave when I am on a bicycle or otherwise.


    it's probably best you go back to playing golf. Some of us have been on the seat of a bicycle for many years and have witnessed more than we should at the hands of trying to preserve a so called image.


    I apologize for being so arrogant as to thinking I know who you are or what you do. The very words used question your judgement . You seem to think you are better, you think you know more, you think you know me and you think you have seen more and I am what "not allowed to know you"?


    Could be true but does that even matter? Just the self righteous thought that shows me this discussion is not going to go any further. The OP probably would have liked some further thoughts thrown around at how to avoid further incidents involving impatience or inconsiderate road user instead of this.


    The floor is yours for the last say! Tell us we should ride or speak or participate or contribute so we know better.

  4. I don't think you do understand these sentiments. Have you got a child? Bury them after someone has ridden over them. For additional impact lose some of your closest mates through the same process and see if you're still going to campaign to have other cyclists ride in single file whenever they are on the road or whether you will deploy a sweep vehicle to drive behind you and your friends for safety, knowing that most of the motorists will be driving in such a way as to kill you, as you have lived through first hand.


    Until you know this yourself everything any of us have to say is simply irrelevant by comparison.


    Stop being foolish, not everyone drives in ways to kill a cyclist. You are exactly why everyone is driving so badly on the roads and you completely miss my point. I fear for my life and my children's, note more than one, lives everyday because of stupid and blatant disregard for traffic laws, made worse by the next person saying enough is enough. If he drives like that then so will I.


    If one person skips a stop street should you because the car behind you might not have stopped, and you may have been injured? No you drive withing the rules of the road and be more aware of your surroundings. Drive more defensively, concentrate more and avoid possible danger. Like the OP said the chosen road was just one of many issues.


    Ride with a mirror or is that too much extra weight?

    Stop at red lights or is that too much trouble for cyclists and you would rather risk death?


    Stop cutting your nose off to spite your face, if you want to advocate breaking rules and putting yourself at risk then go ahead but don't put me or my family at risk because you think that your solution is the right one and cant see further than your front wheel.


    People don't see what you do right, they see what you do wrong so don't be a statistic. Just look at all the comments/likes from the roadies in this thread, it shows there unwillingness to see another side of the story.

    No matter how many people have suffered and continue to suffer the pain of losing those close to them, the actions of this group and many others has and will not help to stop idiots(roadusers) being idiots or these same drivers misjudging speed, distance and safety.


    Your actions have consequence and they affect all cyclists, if you were spared today and pissed people off in the process then you may have personally sealed someone else's fate. Don't make decisions for me, I did not ask you to.

  5. Whilst you make a good point on the validity of the laws, the simple fact is that the majority of them are being broken by both cyclists AND MOTORISTS. The difference between who breaks them however has a very skew consequence. When cyclists break them, motorists are inconvenienced. When motorists break them EVEN when cyclists are obeying them, cyclists die, however obediant or correct their actions were. I can understand why a group of cyclists such as this cycle store, that have buried family members and close friends, would go to this extent to protect their passion and livelihood.


    Not disagreeing with those sentiments, however in these times it is not the wise thing to do as the more irate motorists become the more they endanger our lives with less regard for the consequence.


    I am trying to get people to look at both sides and understand that for every action there is reaction.

    If they can do it - I can do it. So the first group of cyclists is ok and the driver is patient, the second in a short space/trip, well a little agitated and from then on good luck to the rest of us. Is that the right thing to do?

  6. So does using the smoother line include walking up it? OP you did nothing wrong as such.


    We are faced with unique problems in that fields are big, distances are mixed and not all entries are seeded.

    Inevitably we end up with a faster rider overtaking a slower.


    The done thing should be to notify someone you would like to overtake as early as possible and then let them give you a chance to pass. When given the chance do so quickly and safely. Thank the person for their assistance.


    The problem with that, is ego and fear: Some are racing for time and not a place so they can better their seeding for future, others are newer to the scene but what ever the situation we should be aware that we are not the fastest and even on a fun ride people are pushing their personal limits or ability. So let us try and be courteous and allow faster riders the opportunity to pass safely instead of being roadblocks.


    That being said as the faster rider we should know better not to "scare" a slower rider as we pass them. Give the necessary warning but be aware you may not have the chance immediately and that is when a little give is necessary for all the taking you will have or have had the whole race.


    What I don't like is a queue of us all trying to through and a "faster" rider pushes to the front. That assumption has no place especially when we are all off our bikes waiting. You will get some choice comments from the those waiting in line.

  7. The section on convoys from the NATIONAL ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 93 OF 1996 with all the up to date amendments:




    The act is very clear on which part of it applies to "motor vehicles", "pedal cycles" and all "vehicles". As you can see, this section only applies to motor vehicles.


    From the definitions:



    So 1 motor vehicle, and 100 bicycles operated in a group does, by the acts definition, not make a convoy of motor vehicles.


    Well done you found a loophole in the wording which I have now fixed in my post, self entitlement nonetheless. Goes to prove my point of what we seem to be fighting for. Rather find fault in others than in ourselves and our riding.

  8. I am sorry for those who have lost loved ones whilst cycling. Many of the reported incidents are accidents and many of late seem to be with intent and something goes very wrong.


    There are people on this thread that advocate blatant breaking of the law.

    If we are already struggling with the attitude of motorists that only fuels the fire.


    We are NOT allowed to ride abreast no matter where. We are NOT allowed to drive in convoy on weekends without special authority and a traffic police escort, and this is exactly pretty much that and will probably get you injured. The self entitlement is shocking.


    They are not the only shop that do this regularly and it is selfish of any cyclist to act in this manner, it is not about slowing someone down it is about abiding by the rules of the road. WE want to argue our rights, then we must exercise them in accordance with the law. Enough is enough, clean your own house first.


    Simple - There is no other argument, two wrongs do not make a right and the person, regardless of anything but frustration, will make a harsh overtaking decision due to your ignorance, of the consequence, on the other side of your story. "I did it to protect, but broke the law and forced someone else to react with disregard as well" sorry people does not work.

  9. I think that's why some brake lever manufacturers for motorbikes have a 'ball' end on the brake lever?post-12678-0-57643900-1408691509_thumb.png


    That is exactly why and we have rules to say bar ends, brakes and footpegs need a minimal rounded end surface in the racing categories.

  10. Thanks Captain Over-analyse.



    Let's or let us (over) analyse this

    You are welcome


    You're welcome


    Your welcome needs more as in "your welcome mat is dirty, could you clean before I come over next time"


  11. Firstly, if your nipples weren't alloy, they would have been brass, I yet have to see brass nipples corrode so badly in such a short space of time where they just break.

    Don't take my "uninformed" comment as an insult, rather embrace it and read up as much as you can, this will start helping you in the long run.

    I don't expect my doctor to look after my body 24/7 without any knowledge about my own body.


    I think one must take into context that when asking about a certain "feature", the go to explanations for 90% of LBS's is not enough to the newer/less informed rider. Not everyone can be a wealth of cycling information.


    When asking about tubeless the info is always lighter and less punctures but no mention of other issues, whether tomorrow or in future, this is where, by going to 5 different bike shops you will eventually get all the information. Did the bike shop take the OP's needs into account and offer information based on that?


    Bottom line is the OP probably expected more from tubeless, as he was not informed well enough. He didn't exactly have time to go off and do multiple searches to get the info before having to make a decision.


    Sounds more like a rush job(read botch job) and excuses to not have to pay for repairs or the likes thereof. But then again maybe the wording of the conversation had with the OP is not quite the same, I know I forget particular wording when I lose my temper in that way.

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