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Everything posted by blondeonabike

  1. No, I adopted them two years apart, the smaller one is half the size of the other, fully grown. They are now 1.5 and 3 years old. They bonded immediately. Both were terrified at first, Jemima had never felt grass under her feet, kept looking under her paws....and Jenny would wet herself everytime I picked up anything with a handle.
  2. My Collies, Jenny and Jemina. Always together and mimic everything the other does! Both SPCA rescues. Too clever for words and because of the herding instinct, they don't chase my pekin chickens.
  3. If u got school going kids, good luck! genuine, especially if they are in preprimary! They just keep bringing the germs home! Wash hands often and get a dishwasher!
  4. Naaaah, I was only joking..... You guys wont see me I'm in the bush on my MTB
  5. We are busted!! This is what we do: position ourselves on the side of the road wearing Vanderkitten kit, mist our selves so we look lightly sweaty, and wait.......Its best if a group stops...we then eyeball the one with the most expensive bike, hes probably got the most cash...must just first check to see if his Pina is real!
  6. But it is nice eye candy to have him barechested and sweaty?! rip on!
  7. I also never ride alone, its dangerous and u never know what can happen. Granted though hubby in the beginning did everything for me even washed my bike for me afterwards. All I did was mix juice and bake energy bars! Slowly he did less and less allowing me to to do more myself. Many times he could have fixed it in five minutes flat, but rather stood by patiently giving me a chance to give it a go. My point....because a guy is around doesn't mean he must fix it, us girls learn nothing if you rescue us all the time! Be patient we eventually get it right!!
  8. Like when your shopping with your husband, and people see your bruises and give him a weird look?
  9. Here is scientific proof, the omnivore is the leanest, and probably the fastest on a bike!
  10. Balance!! I love a good braai, but dont eat red meat every day! I also don't care how awesome your soya-tofu recipe is it will never taste like the real thing!
  11. To me if u believe you have done everything possible and the weight is not coming off, go have your thyroid checked before taking a bunch of stuff! I think only a small percentage of the population have a legitimate medical reason that they are unable to lose weight...most of us would prefer a quick fix than do the work and be patient.
  12. Weighless does work, but you must stick to it...I had great results and didnt yo yo afterwards. You dont need all the weighless branded products though....they are all gross!
  13. Ha,Ha.... I love food too, thats why I dont keep the good stuff lying around. I do a once a week splurge, its planned and premeditated, I buy it, I eat it, and its then over......
  14. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper!!! You need decent blood sugar levels to train hard, so I eat well in the morning, you do not need 2l coke, steak and chips to recover! I still weigh what I did in high school despite popping three babies. I have no control over wrinkles and all the other things that come with getting older, but I have the final say over the size of my bum!
  15. Watch your diet, but what really worked for me was changing from a few long slow rides (2 hr plus) to doing more shorter (1.5hr less) rides at a really high intensity. I broke through my plateau. Resist the post ride pang to annihilate anything in the fridge and have a glass of cold milk instead. Awesome for recovery and keeps the calories in check!
  16. Oooops!.........Straighten handle bars..........Back on the bike!
  17. This happened today at the XCO at Pmb. He took a nasty knock to the head, and after taking a few moments to come round, managed a smile for the crowd. Hats off to these guys and girls, this is not for sissies!
  18. Its true.. summer heat + moisture equals allsorts of issues with mildews, blights, rust and all the other fungi. Rather water by drip irrigation, or plant in a furrow and flood irrigate. Ive chosen to stick with an heirloom cherry tomato that is extremely hardy I dont ever have to spray. Ive gone organic, so spraying with fungicide is not an option. Anyone looking for where to find heirloom veg seed, give me a pm
  19. Try moving your micro mist sprayer head away from your tomato plant. wetting the leaves will encourage fungal infections, always a problem with tomatoes. A good thick layer of mulch will also keep the moisture in and the weeds down.
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