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eccc whippet

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Everything posted by eccc whippet

  1. Busy reading fast after 50...not really for a beginner...but it has some interesting information...i need to find a book for beginners cycling after 50 [emoji6]
  2. carbon boy a tip...go to sportsman warehouse and get 2 straps R10 ea join them together and strap the bottle on the seat post so that it doesnt fall out and i saw on this forum someone turned the bottle upside down so that the lid doesnt pop off.
  3. I am using an old iphone 5...using strava to record rides...no problems with strava uploads....they do take a couple hours to reflect ...however since the beginning of this year i have found the disco app to be very slow when logging in trying to view rewards etc... i have also learnt not to go to vida then try retrieve the reward...you have to be very patient...now i first make sure the reward is ready to scan before i go collect.
  4. via the discovery app or the 0872405298 number...my rewards are normally sent via the vitality app never via sms.
  5. closes tomorrow...replied 2 to the first one over christmas then 1 to the second but never heard anything...just more sms junk mail...filling up my inbox.
  6. anyone else get the sms from vitality...extra reward reply 1 for ice cream and 2 for teddy?
  7. My points have climbed to 4000 achieved without even trying...since the new structure kicked in [emoji3] I only need to achieve 600 to reach my goal per week.
  8. I see the 2016 update...you could get up to 100 % discount on gym fees..." If the gym contract is older than 12 months"
  9. Tried to update my vitality wellness info for 2016...my mental wellness has deteriorated somewhat in the past 12 hrs ...being extremely patient trying not to throw my iPad across the room in frustration...lucky I have a rubber mallet and a 200mmx 200mm X 30 mm thick steel plate I beat when dealing with Telkom...municipality or other government institutions...it seems I need to use it when dealing with discovery vitality [emoji35] The question is do I need this extra frustration in my life...are a couple drinks worth the hassle?
  10. I did a 38.2 km rocky bay ride yesterday and reached my goal for the week 3000 points...but registered as a park run [emoji15] call it what they want...so long as I get the points...if I can ride 1 day a week and reach my goal... Maybe it is time to look into the Apple Watch... I have the iPhone...just need to get the credit card.
  11. One of my favorites...being in the right place at the right time.
  12. It wouldnt switch on was told it was water damaged beyond repair at the v.........shop...took it to a fella in an alley...paid R200 to repair it...it now works fine [emoji57]
  13. Sony Z1...camera was written off after these pics were taken...due to water damage.
  14. I am starting to stack the reward smoothies...just need to watch the expiry dates My goal is only 600 points...i am already on 400 from 2 rides this weekend...by tomorrow morning i will already reach the 600...some weeks i get 1000 This watch is starting to sound like a good idea...but i need to check...admin fees...credit card annual fees etc etc.
  15. Decided to enjoy an off road ride for a change today...pic taken at the top of the blue route.
  16. With all these time consuming options ...wouldnt you like to have a company like hippo where you can just post an item you are looking for and the cheapest price is sent via a pm or listed on this media platform...there is nothing that burns my backside more than paying R1200 for a camelbac lobo for example and the next day it is advertised on a one day special for R750. just thinking out loud again.
  17. I love the creative means people use to support the bikes for pics...maybe that would be a project for me next year...come up with a simple in expensive way to secure the bike for pics while out riding.
  18. Wednesday came and went...no reward...was a bit bummed...checked my strava...had done rides last week...points reflected 0...yesterday i logged on again to check...there it was last week goals achieved...and 200 point towards this weeks goal
  19. Glad I am not the only one...I thought reading life insurance policies were a drag...then they introduced vitality...we need a dummies guide to vitality.
  20. why the look and not shimano pedals? the reason i ask this is because i have a small situation...the bike i bought has look pedals on them...i have taken them off and using mtb shimano pedals for now until i figue out what to do. i need to invest in a pair of road bike shoes..the issue i have is do i stick with look pedals or do i change to shimano pedals...apparently you cant use shimano cleat on look pedals and visa versa. i looked around today at both the shimano and look pedals...a few bob difference in price...however there seems to be a difference in weigh and compound...the look pedals seem lighter for the cheaper model units...the platform slightly wider on the shimano pedal...until you go into the more expensive models.
  21. My first free smoothie...achieving the reward is too easy....i thought you had to redeem the smoothie only on Wednesdays...but i see you have 15 days to claim it [emoji3]
  22. Got to start somewhere...even got mom on a bike now.
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